
2013 Welsh Regional Championships — As it happened

All the action from the 2013 Welsh Regional Championships — as it happened.

Wales • Sunday 17, 19:13:29

It's all over here in Wales and the has been one heck of a shock - as Tongwynlais claims their first Welsh title in their 125th anniversary year.

That's it for now here as Welsh and world banding digests an amazing day at the Brangwyn Hall

Wales • Sunday 17, 19:09:22

Tongwynlais takes the title here in Wales in what has been one of the great shocks of the banding scene in these parts for many years.

They now head to Perth as Welsh champions with Tredegar and Northop joining them and Cory at the Albert Hall.


Championship Section:
Sunday 17th March

Test Piece: 'Harmony Music' - Philip Sparke
Draw: tbc
Commence: After Section 4
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

1. Tongwynlais Temperance (Steve Sykes), 7***
2. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse), 9*
3. Northop (Thomas Wyss), 5*
4. Burry Port (Nigel Seaman), 4
5. Cory (Philip Harper), 3**
6. Beaumaris (Gwyn Evans), 1
7. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Gareth Ritter), 4
8. BTM (David Maplestone), 6
9. Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins), 2

Best Instrumentalist: Dewi Griffiths (cornet) - Tredegar

* 2 bands qualify for the National Finals
** Pre-qualified for National Finals
*** Pre-qualified for National Finals and 2014 European Championships

Wales • Sunday 17, 18:26:13

Championship Section:

We think the results will be announced here in Wales in about 20 mins time.

We are currently enjoying the students of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama under the baton of Dr Robert Childs and David Childs.

It's a rousing way to end the day.....

Wales • Sunday 17, 18:12:15

Championship Section:

It's been an engrossing contest here in Swansea with two exceptionally good performances at the top end battling it out for Perth qualification.

It's nip and tuck between Cory and Tredegar for us - with the inning champion just having the slightest if edges.

Beaumaris may get the nod over an equally fine showing from Tongwynlais with Burry Port and Northop close behind.

There has been a number of engaging interpretations too - and it could come down to a question of style and taste from Mr Cosh in the box. It's been a good day that showed off top section Welsh banding very well.

4BR Prediction:

1. Cory
2. Tredegar
3. Beaumaris
4. Tongwynlais Temperance
5. Burry Port
6. Northop

Wales • Sunday 17, 17:37:58

Championship Section: 9. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)

Just the tiny hint of tuning to opening but it builds with such intensity to the first climax.

Razor sharp Vivace leads to bold euph cadenza and then to free flowing faster sections hall marked with such clarity and detail. We heard all the inner detail with great balance and texture, before some stunning ensemble work led to a Ravel section played with dark suavity.

Wonderful cadenzas from cornet and horn led to a climax of real intensity.

The reprise was played with real verve and vivacity led by fizzing troms and a pulse that really throbs. The final furlong is upped a gear or two and played with a rare brio. The fuel injectors give the close a real thump of finality to round off a performance of a very high class.

Wales • Sunday 17, 17:21:50

Championship Section: 8. Burry Port (Nigel Seaman)

There was a bold confidence about the opening, which led to an equally bold first climax.

The Vivace link was not secure however, but a bold euph gave his all in the cadenza, and the following faster sections had plenty of vigour, even if there was a real need for contrast and a little less volume to bring out the inner details. The Ravel bore the hallmarks of the MDs elegant appreciation of style, with excellent solo cadenzas too. It was just a tad fruity in the climax.

The need for real contrast was felt in the reprise however - the bold enthusiasm of the ensemble submerging the detail. It was certainly exciting, but hit and miss too in places. The last furlong was upped a gear and there was just enough left in the tank to squeeze a substantive finish out as well.

Wales • Sunday 17, 16:59:35

Championship Section: 7. Tongwynlais Temperance (Steve Sykes)

A slightly odd sounding opening was effective (was some camouflage being used?) but it built to an intense first climax, followed by a Vivace link that perhaps needed a little more clarity in balance.

Not so euph - who was splendid, although there were some scrappy moments amid the real excitement and pulse of the quicker sections. The Ravel was so well laid out - given a delicate sense of phrasing by the MD balanced by the boldly portrayed cornet and horn cadenzas which led to a emotive climax.

Reprise was just in need more delicate vibrancy perhaps, but it was certainly high on excitement scale, and the final furlong was upped a few notches too. Just got a little raw but there was something in reserve for chop smacking close.

Wales • Sunday 17, 16:37:00

Championship Section: 6. BTM (David Maplestone)

A slightly uncomfortable opening took its time to settle to the first climax, but the linking Vivace to the euph cadenza had a neat sense of spikiness.

Young euph showed rich promise, although the faster ensemble sections to follow were scrappy and lacked real inner detail, despite the sense of exciting pulse. The Ravel interlude was given emotional space and bold texture by the MD with excellent horn and unlucky cornet, leading to an imposing climax.

The reprise was untidy though and despite the well geared rise in tempo and excitement, it needed more clarity, detail and contrast. We certainly got a whip through final furlong of bold vivacity and a close that was a foundation shaker.

Wales • Sunday 17, 16:17:09

Championship Section: 5. Northop (Thomas Wyss)

A safely delivered opening just took time to impose its intensity to the first climax, but the neat first Vivace was played with a touch of elegant grace.

Euph did the cadenza job well but there was a slightly frantic feel to the quicker sections that followed. The Ravel was played with a dark intensity, aided by fine solo interventions and a measured climax to close.

The untidiness in the reprise was marked to open but once it found its bold pulse it motored well, although some individual lines were sticky. The neat upturn in tempo saw enough left in the tank for the final furlong which was played with verve and excitement right to the cleanly smacked close.

Wales • Sunday 17, 15:58:19

Championship Section: 4. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Gareth Ritter)

There was a real stamp of confidence to open that flowed neatly in the Vivace.

A slightly untidy link was followed by an excellent euph, whilst later soloists played with brio too. The faster sections had pace and purpose but lacked real inner detail and control, although the Ravel interlude was delivered with passion and no little emotion. MD has given this a sense of intensity.

It got a little frenetic is places in the reprise as stamina started to wane, and the scrappiness led to a few raw edges, but the final fling for home was delivered with real excitement at a fine pace.

Just got a tad too scrappy to close, but there was an admirable second wind that gave the final climax a thumping finality.

Wales • Sunday 17, 15:35:28

Championship Section: 3. Cory (Philip Harper)

A bold opening was built with such intensity and purpose through to the first Vivace.

Neatly done - as was the following euph cadenza. The drive and pulse of the quicker movements really throbbed with intensity, allied to accuracy and detail contrasting with a lovely suave feel to the Ravel. MD drew out the malleable musicality of the score whilst solo cadenzas were so well played too in build to final cadenza.

Reprise was played with such verve and brio with a stunning pick up for the final furlong home with enough in the tank to give it an extra thump for an almighty close to such an impressive all round performance. Hard to beat this - very hard to beat.

Wales • Sunday 17, 15:22:23

Championship Section: 2. Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins)

A slightly nervous start is quickly amended and the music flows into the first Vivace.

A little sticky, but euph is splendid - and the other main lines do equally as well later in the piece: Solid no nonsense lead line playing.

The quicker elements are lacking in real detail and dynamic contrast, but are played with plenty of brio, whilst the Ravel interlude was played with appreciation of style, time and space - even if it was always totally secure.

Just got tired in final reprise, but MD has done a fine job in keeping something back in reserve for a quick upturn on pace and a bold, heavy hammer blow finish. It rounds off a performance of determined merit.

Wales • Sunday 17, 15:03:08

Championship Section: 1. Beaumaris (Gwyn Evans)

A nervous opening chord takes time to settle, but thereafter it becomes more impressive.

The first Vivace is neat and leads to super euph - who is backed later by such an impressive horn and a solid principal cornet.

The faster sections are played with a marked degree of control, but could perhaps do with a touch more dynamic contrast so that the detail can really speak clearly in the lively acoustic.

There is much to admire in the Ravel interlude with security and malleability, but it does just cry out for a little more contrast and texture.

Repirse is a model of control to start and then puts foot to the pedal for a slightly frenetic close. What a thumper that is though to round off a quality marker for the rest of the field to beat.

Wales • Sunday 17, 15:00:00

Section 4:
Sunday 17th March

Test Piece: 'A Devon Fantasy' - Eric Ball
Draw: tbc
Commence: c.11.00hrs
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

1. Ebbw Valley (Andrew Jones), 1*
2. Ammanford (Glyn Davies), 2*
3. Upper Rhondda (Nigel Seaman), 3
4. Usk (Jeff Jones), 6
5. Rhyl (Keith Jones), 9
6. Oakdale (Adrian Browning), 4
7. Oakeley (John Jones), 7
8. Abertillery Youth (Huw Cole), 5
9. Holywell (Glyn Williams), 11
10. Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick), 10
11. Ystradgynlais (Alex Parker), 8

Wales • Sunday 17, 14:54:02

Championship Section:
Sunday 17th March

Test Piece: 'Harmony Music' - Philip Sparke
Draw: tbc
Commence: After Section 4
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

Beaumaris (Gwyn Evans), 1
BTM (David Maplestone), 6
Burry Port (Nigel Seaman), 8
City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) (Gareth Ritter), 4
Cory (Philip Harper), 3
Northop (Thomas Wyss), 5
Pontardulais Town (Paul Jenkins), 2
Tongwynlais Temperance (Steve Sykes), 7
Tredegar (Ian Porthouse), 9

Wales • Sunday 17, 14:26:35

An appreciative Welsh audience is enjoying a mini concert being provided by the pupils of the Manger Folk Music School who are providing some pretty impressive music making ahead of the announcement of the results conducted by Eikanger's Henning Anderson.

They were joined by David Childs in what was a cracking interlude.

Results now die in about 10 mins

Wales • Sunday 17, 14:02:33

Section 4:
It's all over here in Wales and its going to be a close contest to call.

There really has been something to enjoy form each of the 11 bands, but we think Ebbw Valley may have just dome enough to claim the title ahead of a very close chasing pack.

Ammanford could well in them there, with Rhyl and Usk so close behind. Then comes Abertillery and Holywell.

4BR Prediction:

1. Ebbw Valley
2. Ammanford
3. Rhyl
4. Usk
5. Abertillery Youth
6. Holywell

Wales • Sunday 17, 13:42:55

Section 4:
we are coming to the tail end of the Fourth Section here in Wales and it has been a bit of a delight - with 11 well directed performances that placed the emphasis on the lyrical musicality found within the simple Eric Ball score.

Even the bands with the least experienced players have delivered in spades and a special mention must go to the MDs who have kept a lid on the dynamics and kept the music flowing.

The youngsters of Cwmtawe Youth are the latest to deliver a well structured account.

You can hear the cogs in Mr Wadsworth's mind turning like an old town clock already.

Wales • Sunday 17, 13:20:15

Section 4:
More good music making to sit back and enjoy here in the Fourth Section, even if there has been a few technical problems in the odd performance.

Usk certainly put themselves in the mix with Ebbw Valley and Ammanford for us, but with Abertillery and now a confident Rhyl delivering fine accounts this is contest that could be won by any number of bands.

Mr Wadsworth could have a difficult decision here today.

Wales • Sunday 17, 12:25:50

Section 4:
It's been a highly enjoyable contest in the Fourth Section this morning and Kevin Wadsworth will have plenty to ponder as he goes for a quick break after Usk Band has finished playing.

All six bands have produced very well shaped accounts of Eric Ball's set work - with a real emphasis on their natural lyrical strengths.

Not all the technical elements have quite come off, but overall its been engaging playing, very well led by the MDs.

A hard one to call this so far.

Wales • Sunday 17, 12:11:40

Section 4:
We wonder what Mr Wadsworth will make of the way the Welsh bands are playing with a natural lyricism today.

He has talked about style in both sections he has judged this weekend, but has still raised a few eyebrows with his decisions. So far all five bands have kept things light, refined and warmly balanced, so will this be what he is looking for?

Wales • Sunday 17, 11:37:57

Section 4:
There is a lovely atmosphere in the hall this morning - and a few sore heads we suspect too.

The first two bands in Ebbw Valley and Ammanford produced very shaped, warmly balanced accounts of their day trip to Devon, and now we have the great sight of a wonderful mix of youth and experience with Upper Rhondda, led with tasteful elegance as always by Nigel Seaman.

Wales • Sunday 17, 11:08:11

Section 4:
Sunday 17th March

Test Piece: 'A Devon Fantasy' - Eric Ball
Draw: tbc
Commence: c.11.00hrs
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

Abertillery Youth (Huw Cole), 5
Ammanford (Glyn Davies), 2
Cwmtawe Youth (Wayne Pedrick), 10
Ebbw Valley (Andrew Jones), 1
Holywell (Glyn Williams), 11
Oakdale (Adrian Browning), 4
Oakeley (John Jones), 7
Rhyl (Keith Jones), 9
Upper Rhondda (Nigel Seaman), 3
Usk (Jeff Jones), 6
Ystradgynlais (Alex Parker), 8

Wales • Sunday 17, 08:46:27

The action starts in Wales at 11.00am this morning with the Fourth Section, followed by the Championship Section in the afternoon.

Live coverage will start as soon we get to the Brangwyn Hall.

Wales • Saturday 16, 23:04:05

Nothing more now from Wales until tomorrow morning and the Fourth Section.

We hope you have enjoyed the coverage we have given.

Wales • Saturday 16, 23:03:15

Section 1:
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'Brass Triumphant' - Gareth Wood
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 2
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

1. Tylorstown, Gary Davies, 4*
2. Penclawdd, (Tony Small) 3*
3. Llwydcoed, (Nigel Seaman) 6
4. Llanrug, (Paul Hughes) 9
5. Abergavenny Borough, (Craig Roberts) 5
6. Markham, (Gareth Pritchard) 1
7. Deiniolen, (Gavin Saynor) 8
8. Lewis Merthyr, (Gareth Pritchard) 2
9. Rogerstone, (Adrian Morton) 7

*Top 2 bands qualify for National Finals

Wales • Saturday 16, 20:18:47

Section 1:
It's all over here in the First Section and it could be an interesting one.

We would opt for the overall compact quality of Tylorstown to claim the title with a toss up between Llwydcoed and Abergavenny for second place. Markham and Lewis Merthyr will be hard to separate with Deiniolen in sixth.

We could be way out though if Mr Wadsworth's style is different to ours.

4BR Prediction:

1. Tylorstown
2. Llwydcoed
3. Abergavenny
4. Markham
5. Lewis Merthyr
6. Deiniolen

Wales • Saturday 16, 20:07:50

Section 1:
Llanrug round off the contest with a performance full of verve and brio - led by some musically mature youngsters and a fine MD who knew how to sympathetically shape the music.

Don't know if it will enough to make a mark in what has been a very good contest today, but they have certainly done themselves proud.

Wales • Saturday 16, 20:02:42

Section 1:
The youthful Llanrug is the last band to play today in what has been a very enjoyable and good quality contest.

Lots of different interpretations for Mr Wadsworth to ponder over too.

This may be a contest that throws up a bit of a surprise result or two.

Wales • Saturday 16, 19:45:05

Section 1:
There have been some interesting interpretations on show today - from the lyrically inspired by the likes of Llwydcoed and Markham to the compact and concise from Tylorstown and Abergavenny and then the more robust and emotion packed by Penclawdd and now Deiniolen.

What will Mr Wadsworth make of these in the box we wonder?

He seemed to say a great deal about style in the Third Section, so which one of these styles will tickle his fancy?

This could be an interesting one.....

Wales • Saturday 16, 19:23:44

Section 1:
As we said earlier - this is developing into a very good contest.

Llwydcoed has produced the most lyrically inspired account of the day - headed by a truly wonderful bit of euphonium playing, whilst Tylorstown has produced the most compact and secure performance.

These two head the field for us with Abergavenny a close third and still very much in the hunt for a Cheltenham place.

Rogerstone is the next band up and will need to be on top form to make a mark today. They start well though.

Wales • Saturday 16, 18:55:03

Section 1:
This is developing into an excellent contest here in the First Section - although perhaps not as overwhelmingly exciting as what happened at the Millenium Stadium.

There have been some fine performances so far, with Tylorstwon the pick of a pretty good bunch. Abergavenny comes in a solid second for us but unlike the English rugby team, there is still a great deal to play for.....

Just to rub it in the next band up in Llwydcoed has a bass trombone player called Barry John.

No kidding either...

Wales • Saturday 16, 18:11:45

Section 1:
Pre match favourites Tylorstown take to the stage under Gary Davies looking to secure another step towards their ambition to become a top flight band in the Principality.

The standard has been pretty good so far, but can they take it up a good notch or two?

Wales • Saturday 16, 17:53:09

Section 1:
There is an influx of people coming into the hall to tell us all that it is 9-3 to Wales.

That is also the famous scoreline in Welsh rugby history - the days the pubs ran dry in Llanelli, when New Zealand were beaten by the boys in red and Max Boyce made a million singing abou the result for the next 40 years....

Nothing as historic quite yet in the First Section, but two decent shows and a bold ones unfolding from Penclawdd.

There's still plenty of time yet....

Wales • Saturday 16, 17:31:54

Section 1:
As you may have guessed, its pretty quiet in the main hall at the start of the First Section, although we have enjoyed two solid performances from Markham and now Lewis Merthyr - both conducted by Gareth Pritchard.

He managed to have a whiff on his old principal cornet chair before his second band took the the stage.

The first few cheers have been heard through the doors to the main bar. Can it be that Wales is winning.....?

Wales • Saturday 16, 17:15:30


Section 1:
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'Brass Triumphant' - Gareth Wood
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 2
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

Abergavenny Borough (Craig Roberts), 5
Deiniolen (Gavin Saynor), 8
Lewis Merthyr (Gareth Pritchard), 2
Llanrug (Paul Hughes), 9
Llwydcoed (Nigel Seaman), 6
Markham (Gareth Pritchard), 1
Penclawdd (Tony Small), 3
Rogerstone (Adrian Morton), 7
Tylorstown (Gary Davies), 4

Wales • Saturday 16, 17:10:21


Section 2:
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'The Plantaganets' - Edward Gregson
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 3
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

1. Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins), 6*
2. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) 2 (Dewi Griffiths), 8*
3. Parc & Dare (Andrew Jones), 3
4. Blaenavon Town (Andrew Protherough-Jones), 5
5. Royal Buckley (S. Lloyd), 1
6. Newtown (Steve Edwards), 2
7. Crwbin (Colin Hogg), 7
8. Gwaun Cae Gurwen (Malcolm Reed), 4

Best Instrumentalist: Paul Eddy (soprano) - Parc & Dare

*Top 2 Qualify for National Finals

Wales • Saturday 16, 16:23:57

Section 2:
It's all over here in the Second Section and it has been a reality check of banding standards and ambitions.

No fault of the competing bands - none what so ever, but this was a pice that not one band truly mastered and that includes a very fine effort from Goodwick who were head and shoulders above the rest of the field.

We take them to win in some comfort, but there is a real battle to see who joins them at Cheltenham We think it could well be City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) 2 who will pip Parc & Dare. After that its Blaenavon, Crwbin and Royal Buckley for us.

4BR Prediction:

1. Goodwick
2. City of Cardiff (Melingriffith)
3. Parc & Dare
4. Blaenavon
5. Crwbin
6. Royal Buckley

Wales • Saturday 16, 16:17:46

Section 2:
It's left up to City of Cardiff (Melingriffith) 2 to round off what has been a very average contest.

Goodwick has stood out a mile with a performance that came close to playing The Plantagenets but certainly did not master it - although it remains one of the best the 4BR Editor has heard on his travels this year.

Wales • Saturday 16, 15:50:48

Section 2:
At long last we hear a performance from a band that is a worthy adversary for immense challenges of The Plantagenets - with Goodwick producing a performance that very nearly caught the old test piece by the scruff of the neck with its vibrancy and endeavour.

Not everything cam off and it was a it fruity at times with the dynamics, but it was one of the best we have heard around the country this year.

Wales • Saturday 16, 15:37:20

Section 2:
Parc & Dare and now Blaenavon have worked their socks to get to grips with Gregon's work, but despite some fine individual efforts both came up some way short.

Can the talented youngsters of reigning champions Goodwick tame what has proven to be a quite fearsome test of character and skill.

Wales • Saturday 16, 15:12:38

Section 2:
The Music Panel should really hang their heads in shame with this selection - we have heard good community bands being almost destroyed by The Plantagenets all around the country - and now Wales is no exception.

We are hearing one of the bravest bands in Gwaun Cae Gurwen battling against all the odds here to even play the notes. Short of players, packed with youngsters and led by a fine MD, they are giving their all.

They all deserve medals and the Music Panel should be made to pay their entry fee.

Wales • Saturday 16, 14:53:54

Section 2:
We are underway in the Second Section in Swansea and the first signs on the The Plantagenets are ominous - both Royal Buckley and Newton gave of their very best but came up way short of getting close to conquering it.

There was some fine individual playing (a great solo cornet with Royal Buckley and bold horn with Newtown) but the ensemble difficulties were so obvious and damaging.

Wales • Saturday 16, 14:14:40

Section 2:
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'The Plantaganets' - Edward Gregson
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 3
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

Blaenavon Town (Andrew Protherough-Jones), 5
Melingriffith 2 (City of Cardiff) (Dewi Griffiths), 8
Crwbin (Andrew Jones), 7
Goodwick (Matthew Jenkins), 6
Gwaun Cae Gurwen (Malcolm Reed), 4
Newtown (Steve Edwards), 2
Parc and Dare (Andrew Jones), 3
Royal Buckley (Scott Lloyd), 1

Wales • Saturday 16, 14:08:28


Section 3:
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'Hollywood' - Goff Richards
Draw: tbc
Commence: 11.00am
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

1. Severn Tunnel (Christopher Bond)*
2. Pontypool (Owen Farr)*
3. Ogmore Valley (Ms Alice Jones)
4. Briton Ferry (Michael Pilley)
5. Thomas Coaches Mid Rhondda (Alan Gibbs)
6. RAF St Athan (Alan Bourne)
7. Ynyshir (Gary Davies)
8. Cross Keys (Keri Bowden)
9. Newport Borough (Robin Hackett)

* Top 2 bands qualify for the Finals

Best Instrumentalist: Owen Williams (trombone) - Severn Tunnel

Wales • Saturday 16, 13:30:05

Section 3:
We've come to the end of an enjoyable Third Section contest here in Swansea with at least four bands in the hunt for the qualification places.

The winner's Oscar may well be heading to Mid Rhondda for us, pushed all the way by Ynyshir, RAF St Athan and Pontypool.

4BR Prediction:

1. Mid Rhondda
2. Ynyshir
3. RAF St Athan
4. Pontypool

Wales • Saturday 16, 13:23:19

Section 3:
Our Norwegian friends have certainly been enjoying the music making here this morning - and are even getting the hang of Welsh thanks to the bilingual announcements from the MC.

Briton Ferry round off the contest with a well worked account under the baton of Mike Pilley to what has been a pretty good standard from all concerned.

Wales • Saturday 16, 13:11:35

Section 3:
Pontypool is the latest band to throw its hat into the mix for a qualification place, with a bold and vibrant account under Owen Farr. His young players really did him proud today.

It's become a bit of a four way fight for Cheltenham.

Wales • Saturday 16, 12:48:44

Section 3:
It's been a pretty good standard here in Wales so far, with Ynyshir, Mid Rhondda and now a vibrant RAF St Athan giving Goff Richards' test piece a work over Stephen Seagal would be proud of.

It's between these three so far with two more strong contenders to come in Pontypool and Briton Ferry

Wales • Saturday 16, 12:33:28

Section 3:

Only in Wales and only on a piece inspired by Hollywood films. We have a Bond and a Bourne, tunnels and the RAF for future movie moguls to make a film about here.

Mr Bond is current on stage with the Bourne up a few bands later...

Wales • Saturday 16, 12:04:17

Section 3:
Its been enjoyable Hollywood fayre so far here in Wales - no horror flicks and a bit of an early blockbuster from Mid Rhondda that may take a bit of shifting from the Oscar winning slot.

Good to see plenty of people wearing red in the audience too. I wonder why?

Wales • Saturday 16, 11:35:25

Section 3:

Two bands have given Hollywood a good crack so far here in Swansea. Ynyshir up next resplendent in the old Cory uniforms - red, green and gold. There are some old Cory players in the ranks too!

Wales • Saturday 16, 11:09:56

Section 3:

There is a fair sprinkling of supporters in the hall here in Swansea as the first of the contenders takes to the stage to perform Hollywood by Goff Richards.

Two qualification places up for grabs for the bands who can give Kevin Wadsworth the glitz and glamour he requires from the score.

Wales • Saturday 16, 11:04:04

Draw: Section 3
Saturday 16th March

Test Piece: 'Hollywood' - Goff Richards
Commence: 11.00am
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

Briton Ferry (Michael Pilley), 9
Crosskeys (Kerry Bowden), 2
Newport Borough (Robin Hackett), 1
Ogmore Valley (Alice Jones), 5
Pontypool (Owen Farr), 8
RAF St. Athan Voluntary (Alan Bourne), 7
Severn Tunnel (Christopher Bond), 6
Thomas Coaches Mid Rhondda (Alan Gibbs), 4
Ynyshir (Gary Davies), 3

Wales • Saturday 16, 07:53:00

4BR will be at the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea this weekend to bring you a taste of the action as it unfolds in all sections both on the 4BR and on Twitter.

The Championship Section will of course be brought to you live, so keep you eyes peeled to see what we think.

Wales • Friday 15, 10:56:47

Championship Section:
Sunday 17th March
Test Piece: 'Harmony Music' - Philip Sparke
Draw: tbc
Commence: after Fourth Section
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

First Section:
Saturday 16th March
Test Piece: 'Brass Triumphant' - Gareth Wood
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 2
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

Second Section:
Saturday 16th March
Test Piece: 'The Plantaganets' - Edward Gregson
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 3
Adjudicator: Paul Cosh

Third Section:
Saturday 16th March
Test Piece: 'Hollywood' - Goff Richards
Draw: tbc
Commence: 11.00am
Adjudicator: Kevin Wadsworth

Fourth Section:
Sunday 17th March
Test Piece: 'A Devon Fantasy' - Eric Ball
Draw: tbc
Commence: c.11.00hrs

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

Uppermill Band

October 23 • EXCITING TIMES AHEAD. If you are a BBb BASS PLAYER looking for a change, look no further, UPPERMILL IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE! We are a friendly yet ambitious team with a strong work ethic. We play a varied genre of music, directed by our MD James Garlick

wantage silver band

October 23 • Wantage Band (L&SC Championship) have a rare vacancy for REPIANO CORNET following longstanding member Michael Kennett relocating to Australia in January. Rehearsals takes place on Sunday's 7:30pm and Wednesday's 8pm at Wantage Silver Band, OX12 8FR.

Golborne Brass

October 23 • Golborne band, near Warrington NW area, just promoted to 2nd section and current 3rd section National Champions are recruiting the following to complete our lineup: Basses (either kind), 2nd horn and Front Row cornet.

Alex McGee

Conductor & Composer


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