
2013 National Championship of Great Britain — Section 4 - As it happened

All the action from the 2013 National Championship of Great Britain — Section 4 — as it happened.

Section4 • Sunday 22, 08:45:18

Section4 • Sunday 22, 08:35:52

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Ebbw Valley celebrate victory

Section4 • Sunday 22, 08:35:15

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Ebbw Valley in performance

Section4 • Sunday 22, 08:34:32

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Gareth Ritter winning conductor with Ebbw Valley Brass

Section4 • Sunday 22, 08:31:46

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Best Instrumentalist: Nanette Jones - Principal Cornet, Ebbw Valley

Section4 • Saturday 21, 21:58:34


1. Ebbw Valley Brass, (Gareth Ritter), 19
2. Coppull & Standish, (Matt Stringer), 4
3. Ifton Colliery, (Wayne Ruston), 7
4. Barnsley Metropolitan, (Alex Francis), 3
5. Pilling Jubilee Silver, (Len Charnock), 8
6. Resdev Market Rasen, (Dave Dernley), 17
7. Camborne Junior Contesting, (Alan Pope), 1
8. Ammanford Town, (Glyn Davies), 12
9. City of Oxford Silver, (Steve Sizeland), 5
10. Wilton & District, (Colin Herbert), 6
11. Simon Langton Brass, (Dave Cutting), 9
12. Swindon Brass, (Francis Cowley), 18
13. Tullis Russell Intermediate, (Steven Craig), 2
14. Burnside Brass, (Laurie Johnston), 16
15. Barrhead Burgh, (Brian Keachie), 13
16. Great Yarmouth Brass, (Colin Swaep), 11
17. Moulton '77, (Roger Stevens), 14
18. Trimdon Concert, (John Robson), 15
19. Gawthorpe Brass '85, (John Edward), 10

Best Instrumentalist: Nanette Jones - Principal Cornet, Ebbw Valley

Section4 • Saturday 21, 20:42:04

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19. Ebbw Valley
Conductor: Gareth Ritter

Winners of Wales Region

Principal Playersgoo.gl/dpm2ei

Principal Cornet: Nanette Jones
Principal Euphonium: David Johnson
Soprano: Rachel Bamford
Solo Horn: Andrew Lewis
Principal Trombone: Michael O'Leary
Flugel: Jeff Thomas
Baritone: Cheryl Meredith
Eb Bass: Hugh Bamford
Bb Bass: Dean Woods
Principal Percussionist: Lowri Lewis

Performance Comments

What a powerful start - may be a bit pacy, but so commanding and clear cut. This set out their intent from the very start and we hear balanced muted detail for just about the first time all day. This was a high class opening that will have immediately captured the judges attention.

More quality to follow, with a fine trombone lead followed by solo cornet playing of high class refinement. The rivers of the Gwent Valleys were never this beautifully shaped were they? The change of style halfway through has been the best of the day by far - Wye, Wye, Delilah! Solo horn is delightful. MD has full understanding of this - and so do his players.

The final section is Ebbw Valley market on a benefits Friday payday - a fantastic place to be. So much character and style about this music making that it thrills you to the bone. Just the odd clip and blip, but again it does not detract. High class all the way to the final note.

A super reading and interpretation of the score by the MD and an equally fine response from his players. Right in the mix for the ultimate reward today for us.

Star Player:
Nanette Jones on principal cornet was sublime - like a female version of Phillip McCann.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 20:33:21

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18. Swindon Brass
Conductor: Francis Cowley

West of England Area

Principal Players

No information provided

Performance Comments

Now that was an opening to shake up a few opinions in the box. The music sparkled with intensity and purpose, topped by a classy sounding sop on tip top form. That was one of the very best today.

Not quite in the same class to follow, but the musical shape is persuasive and well laid out. Did something go wrong in the ensemble we wonder, but if it did it soon recovered. An old shopping trolley perhaps snagged things. Sop again shines as the Wye meanders on its way, but this didn't quite come off.

A slightly flabby sounding style makes this a market place that lacks vivacity - one selling Saga holidays and matching beige trouser suits for old men. What a pity as a bit more life would have raised this high up. Its all in place and well laid out, but this was a bit of a missed opportunity to round things off such a flash of brio.

After such a fine opening this one fell away somewhat. A bit more life and verve would have out this right in the mix. Should more than hold its own, but as Marlon Brandon once said it could have been a contender.

Star Player:
The soprano player certainly was a heavyweight contender for the soloist prize today - playing of very high quality from start to finish.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 20:18:36

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17. Market Rasen Resdev
Conductor: David Dernley

Midland Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Information not provided by band

Performance Comments

Another band that has got off to such a good start - helped by adding a little bit of extra pace to the music. Big sounds, but warm sounds from the ensemble make this both exciting and regal. Just a poor ending tarnished the high gloss patina.

Holds itself together well despite a few nerves, and the solo cornet displays such a cultured approach to the main musical line. Now this is the Wye in full broad sweeping flow. There is a bit of Edwardian splendour about this - as if the river has flowed by Downton Abbey. Just gets tied up in the emotion to close but so what - this was music that gave us the Empire!

A refined day out in the local market too - not a dropped vowel or badly behaved servant in sight - just lots of posh people spending inherited cash on things of good taste - and this music certainly is that and more. Just a couple of clips but the control to end was exemplary.

What's a fine performance - and one that should be right up there today. Cultured and refined playing of style and purpose.

Star Player:
What an outstanding principal cornet player - top, top class playing.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 19:58:49

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16. Burneside Brass
Conductor: Laurie Johnstone

North of England Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cormet: Debbie Caine
Principal Euphonium: David French
Soprano: David Baines
Solo Horn: David Higson
Principal Trombone: Craig Woods
Flugel: Harold Roberts
Baritone: Oliver Bateman
Eb Bass: Peter Grattix
Bb Bass: Martyn Bostock
Principal Percussionist: Jamie French

Performance Comments

What a bold opening - perhaps a bit forceful in dynamics, but it certainly woke up anyone trying to sneak a few winks in the audience. Impact playing this - and it came off. You could see heads spring up all over the hall. Played with real pomp too.

Not as good in the middle sects, although there is plenty of brave solo playing on show and the support from the ensemble is maintained through to the end. If anything it was a touch non description - as if the Wye was running through downtown Manchester rather than the bucolic beauty of the Malvern Hills. Some neat touches bring things to a close though.

More boldness - a real market place of character and back street trading. Fun, flowing and fizzy, it just gets a little over wrought and untuned up as stamina fades, but you have to admit this one certainly made you sit up and listen right to the end.

A performance to rid you of any tiredness: bold, colourful, a little brash and plenty of fun it did what it set out to achieve and did it well.

Star Player:
David Baines on soprano was on fine form from start to finish - and didn't put a foot or note wrong.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 19:45:16

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15. Trimdon Concert
Conductor: John Robson

Winners of North of England

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Lynsey Garraghan
Principal Euphonium: Kym Daley
Soprano: Laura Foster
Solo Horn:Kirsty Mawson
Principal Trombone: Dom Purvis
Flugel:Katie Graham
Baritone: Julie Marshall
Eb Bass: Stephen Wicks
Bb Bass: Derek Millburn
Principal Percussionist: Tommy Lee

Performance Comments

A well paced opening keeps the sense of grandeur and majesty thanks to balanced ensemble sounds and the MD making sure that the basics are all in place. A no nonsense approach is sometimes the best.

A pity that the unforced errors and mistakes were obvious here as the musical shape was so well laid out. Just over egged the emotion - the Wye surely doesn't crash in waves like the sea over Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in East of Eden. A little less would have given a touch more perhaps.

Back to form for the final movement - played with a touch of spice and panache. It has that sense of fun and mischief that brings the music to life. Well shaped and directed it had a great sense of busy market character all the way to the bubbly close.

Two fine outer movements out this one well in credit, despite a second movement that was just over done for us. Will hold its own, but perhaps just an opportunity missed to really hit the heights today.

Star Player:
Lynsey Garraghan on solo cornet played with such a graceful air throughout.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 19:32:27

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14. Moulton '77
Conductor: Roger Stevens

Midlands Area

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Alan Clifton
Principal Euphonium: Neil Brownless
Soprano: Matt Freestone
Solo Horn: Maria Burrell
Principal Trombone: Ian Watson
Flugel: Shirley Ludlow
Baritone: Rachel Bradley
Eb Bass: Zara Elms
Bb Bass: Helen Clifton
Principal Percussionist: Melanie Watts

Performance Comments

What a pity that the tuning was almost in a different postcode to start. The pace and style of the ending was bang on the mark with the MD shaping the phrases so well. The tuning settled, but only just by the close.

More of the same - was the room outside so warm and then so cold in the hall? The musical shape and style is lovely, but its if the Wye is full of toxic dumping. It gets better, but this has been a real puzzle. There is a quality performance hiding behind the poor intonation here. What a shame.

Its more of the same to close. Well paced and shaped, but the tuning is something that not even Del Boy could sell as second hand on a market stall. The style is great and so is the character of the music, but one element of basic good band playing was missing here.

If only the tuning was even half up to scratch this would have more than held its own. It totally undermined a good reading and ruined their chances.

Star Player:
Neil Brownless on euphonium was a model of clarity and well cantered tuning. If only others had been in the same class.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 19:20:44

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13. Barrhead Burgh
Conductor: Brian N Keachie

Winners at Scottish Championships

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Alan Boak
Principal Euphonium: Lorna Mason
Soprano: Jamie Tinney
Solo Horn: Lynsey Ross
Principal Trombone: David Cochrane
Flugel: Jill Campbell
Baritone: Stephen Sheach
Eb Bass: Fiona Parker
Bb Bass: Cameron Raeburn
Principal Percussionist: Mairi Galbraith

Performance Comments

Gets over a few bumps to open and then flows with real passion and purpose. What a fine sound from the middle of the band and this has such a fine sense of regal style. You could have crowned Bonny Prince Charlie with this music making.

Poor ensemble tuning just mars some wonderful individual playing from the solo cornet and other lead lines. What a pity as this was so well laid out, flowing like the River Clyde in summer time. Top marks for the approach, a few marks off for intonation.

More good stylish music making - played at a decent tempo. Those little tuning issues still grate, but MDs approach is one that brings out the chatter, mischief and general fun of a market day in the posh end of Barrhead. Keeps its prim and proper sense of respectability - like a troop of Miss Jean Brodie's best pupils. Just a little tired to close, but still a fine ending left in the tank.

An enjoyable one this - stylish and so well laid out by the MD. Helped by some fine individual contributions, although the tuning may just cost them a few places today.

Star Player:
Principal cornet Alan Boak - playing that wouldn't have been out of place at the old Albert Hall in a few weeks time.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 19:03:17

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12. Ammanford
Conductor: Glyn Rhys Davies

Welsh Championship (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Teifion Davies
Solo Euphonium: Jeff Thomas
Soprano: Jamie Reynolds
Solo Horn: Steve Jones
Principal Trombone: Rhys Phillips
Flugel: Elisabeth Rogers
Baritone: Bryn Payne
Eb Bass: Philip Rogers
Bb Bass: Alan Price
Principal Percussionist: Susan Rogers

Performance Comments

A powerhouse opening from the Welsh - like a Pontypool front row sitting in the pews of Gloucester Cathedral. They make an impressive sound as well - dark and sensuous with that sense of pomp never far away.

A show of delicacy to follow - a meandering river Wye that just loses focus and tuning in places and gets snagged on the odd upturned old bike. Some lovely touches are fully displayed - certainly by the loquacious trombone. Deepens its sweep with purpose and passion, even if the tuning just grates a bit.

More bright fizzy stuff at the local market - just the tuning spoils a well laid out picture that captures the sense of chatter and cajoling. Bold end is a thumper but not misplaced.

A very enjoyable and interesting one, but it was undermined by poor intonation that took the sheen of gloss off a reading full of character. Up there though.

Star Player:
Rhys Phillips on trombone - playing that all the elements of a fine Welsh tenor.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 18:55:55

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11. Great Yarmouth
Conductor: Colin Swaep

London & Southern Counties Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Penny Gilbert
Principal Euphonium: Kingsley Tyrrell
Soprano: James Tyrrell
Solo Horn: Madeline Grady
Principal Trombone: Sylvia Tyrrell
Flugel: Hannah Cook
Baritone: David Stimpson
E flat Bass: Carol Preston
B flat Bass: Martin Hill
Principal Percussionist: Brian Pilgrim

Performance Comments

A little lumpy to open, but it soon finds its feet and the sense of pomp and grandeur needed for the music to come to life. MD is making the most of the elongated phrases and it works a treat.

Not too sure about the treatment in the middle section though as the Wye rather stagnates in flow. No real need to quite milk it as much as this, as the music loses its sense of momentum. Its a good sounding band, but we are drowning in the lachrymose emotion - its all a bit Willy Wonka chocolate syrupy.

Back to basics works so well - a bright and breezy day out at the local market, played with a touch of panache and fizz. Tastefully delivered - not a Del Boy trader in sight. Just gets a little strained to close, but this had a great sense of fun about it right to the end.

An inconsistent one for us - the two outer movements were so well played and full of verve, but the middle section dragged along, as if the Wye silted up. That may cost today today.

Star Player:
Hannah Cook on flugel delivered with warmth and clarity throughout - a real touch of class

Section4 • Saturday 21, 18:40:52

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10. Gawthorpe'85
Conductor: John Edward

Yorkshire Area Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Jessica Whaites
Principal Euphonium: Graham Fisher
Soprano: Sarah Whaites
Solo Horn: Laura Sutcliffe
Principal Trombone: Dave Pedley
Flugel: Emma Sutcliffe
Baritone: Sally Edward
Eb Bass: Derek Hoyle
Bb Bass: Craig Whaites
Principal Percussionist: Philip Crest

Performance Comments

Another band that has certainly put in the work in the opening movement to crest an immediate impression. Lots to admire about the warm ensemble, the neat phrasing and sense of regal style. Good solid brass band playing this.

Just sounds a little under in pitch in a few leading lines, but the flow and the sense of security is evident. The Wye is not in danger of breaking its banks dynamically but isn't dribbling like a bloke with prostate problems either. More good sensible, well directed band playing this.

Again, the MD knows his market place musical onions - with the picture laid out with style and purpose. It just needed a touch more verve perhaps, but it was solid non nonsense stuff right to the end.

What a well laid out rendition from the band - and the credit goes to the MD. Nothing overdone or overawed, and the adherence to the basic paid off handsomely.

Star Player:
This was a team effort - and so we are going to give it an ensemble star for overall performance quality.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 18:30:10

The adjudicators take a comfort break after Band 9

Iwan Fox's half way point prediction

Its certainly been an enjoyable first half of contesting with all the bands bringing something to the table on Philip Sparke's transparent test piece.

Consistency has been the key though and even though they were short on numbers we have to go for Ifton as our leader - a great example of a MD using experience, intelligence and good musicianship at this level to get results.

Camborne Juniors also made a fine impression off the number 1 draw with Wilton in third for us.

1. Ifton Colliery
2. Camborne Junior Contesting
3. Wilton & District

Section4 • Saturday 21, 18:22:34

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9. Simon Langton Brass
Conductor: Dave Cutting

Winners London & Southern Counties

Principal Players

No details provided by band

Performance Comments

What a fine start, with big, bold sounds led by a bass end that has warmth to go with the power. There is a touch of majesty and good old high church pomp about this.

What has happened? All that great work disappears as the dynamics are subdued. Tuning has flowed by the Nile rather than the Wye and it sounds uneasy. What a pity - its as if the band has been overcome by aquaphobia.

It recovers on dry land, but the tuning is still a bit suss. It gets better as the dynamic range increases and there is a stylish verve about the music. Much to admire about the approach and it closes with a thump.

What an odd one - a fantastic opening section was followed by a very poor second and a brave recovery in the third. Too hit and miss today, but one that at the beginning held so much promise.

Star Player:
Have to give it to the basses, who did a fine job throughout and didn't get spooked when they left dry land.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 18:06:45

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8. Pilling Jubilee Silver
Conductor: Len Charnock

North West Area

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Andy Hall
Principal Euphonium: Duncan Whyatt
Soprano: Alison Jones
Solo Horn: Jen Ormerod
Principal Trombone: Ethan Whittaker
Flugel: Emily Hallett
Baritone: Shelley Hallett
Eb Bass: Helen Woodruffe-Burton
Bb Bass: Ben Croston
Principal Percussionist - Dave Tattersall

Performance Comments

Just takes time to settle - but then we get the sense of style and that touch of pomp and mystery. Nicely judged in pace and dynamic this. Bass drum enjoys a few beats in the spotlight.

Again - just takes a bit of time to start flowing. You have to admire the desire to show real dynamic contrast, but at times the Wye is in danger of drying up like the old River Fleet in London. Gets to its destination but it could have been a bit easier if the taps were turned on a little more.

A lively old market place with the occasional banger thrown into the mix from the perc section. The sense of fun and vivacity is obvious in some neat solo and ensemble playing, but it lacks the refinement of a well heeled town centre. There are a few Poundland shops on show here, despite the bold end.

A bit of a mix and match one here - lots to admire in the approach and style, but a little lacking in refinement and a little over enthusiastic in places.

Star Player:
Going for the perc section - lots to enjoy even if at times it just startled a few old nags in the Cheltenham stables.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 17:56:53

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7. Ifton Colliery
Conductor: Wayne Ruston

Winners at Midland Area

Principal Players

None given

Performance Comments

What a fine sounding band - and with only two basses and a few empty chairs. MD must be a magician because this has been the best opening so far with no loss of broadness of sound or grandeur. Lovely warm playing and so well shaped.

What follows has the same qualities too - led by the solo cornet. The music just gets a little bogged down and stuck in the musical weeds a bit in places, but then recaptures its flow and purpose. Little lines are shaped with care and attention.

More a mini-mart than full blown market place, but its more Waitrose fayre rather than cheap old Aldi. Just gets a little tired (understandably so) but the panache and finesse of the style remains intact all the way to the close.

What a fine reading of the score and what a well delivered performance from the players on stage. You wouldn't have thought they were so light on numbers at all. Bravo!

Star Player:
Got to give it to the MD - a cracking bit of band training/direction. Intelligent musicianship this.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 17:40:54

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6. Wilton and District
Conductor: Colin Herbert

West of England Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Juliet Cook
Principal Euphonium: Simon Topp
Soprano: Andy Drake
Solo Horn: Helen Drake
Principal Trombone: Heather James
Flugel: Rachael Cook
Baritone: Sam Topp
Eb Bass: Lloyd Crowley
Bb Bass: Brian Cooke
Principal Percussionist: Sam Chalk

Performance Comments

The ending is played at a bright tempo, but it doesn't lose its sense of grandeur or pomp. Warm sounds from the middle of the band shine through. A touch of Elgar this - Edward not Howarth.

Trom didn't need to stand to play, or point away. A missed opportunity to shine as it was so well played. There is a stylish flow to the music with a meandering flow not hampered by a single old trolley or rusty bike in mid stream.

A real chatterbox feel to the market place - and only the occasional misplaced accent to tarnish the well heeled air. MD has kept a lid on dynamics and tempo and the music has benefitted from it. Just sounds a tad strained as tiredness creeps in, but there is just enough in the tank for a thumping close.

A well worked account from start to finish. just the little moments when it rocked but this was one to be proud of.

Star Player:
Heather James on trombone deserved the plaudits. Don't be so shy next time though!

Section4 • Saturday 21, 17:23:51

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5. City of Oxford Silver
Conductor: Steve Sizeland

London & Southern Counties Area

Principal Players

No details provided by band

Performance Comments

Another band that has put in the work for the opening - playing it with a boldness that doesn't get brash or overblown. Nice little touches to phrase endings adds a little touch of extra class. Well worked out this from all concerned.

Bravo trombone - what a lovely bit of solo playing. That did raise the odd eyebrow or two in the audience. Not quite as good from the other leads and the balance just gets lost for a moment. Recovers its poise, but those little scraps on the river bottom just spoilt a well laid out picture.

More solid playing - even though we could do with just a touch of cheap as chips flogging of goods in places. The tuning has gone a bit wonky as stamina wanes, but MD works hard to keep the momentum right to the close.

An enjoyable one this. Lots of good solid brass band playing on show and some fine solo spots. Just lost a touch of focus to close but it certainly made a real impression.

Star Player:
Whoever the trombone player was deserves to be bought plenty of ale tonight. What a class act.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 17:06:17

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4. Coppull & Standish
Conductor: Matt Stringer

North West Area (Runners-Up)

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Martin Trumble
Principal Euphonium: Lyndsay Shields
Soprano: Deborah Seddon
Solo Horn: John Hall
Principal Trombone: Ian Hunt
Flugel: Diane Haydock
Baritone: Ged Waddington
Eb Bass: Jonathon Day
Bb Bass: Paul Roberts
Principal Percussionist: Joanne Trumble, Sean Calderbank

Performance Comments

Certainly not short of confidence with the opening played with a real statement of intent. MD keeps the music flowing and the dynamic contrasts are hear too. There was a touch regal bling about this.

More well managed playing and the soprano is on sparkling form, topping off the ensemble,blue sound and adding a touch of class in lead lines. The old Wye flows nicely along with just the odd little floating beer can to spoil the picture of beauty .

More bright, breezy stuff - a market place in the best part of Cheshire stockbroker belt this. Great jingling-jonny on percussion adds colour and vibrancy all the way to a well paced end.

What a well managed account this - everything on its right place and played with control and purpose. Just needed a touch more brio to close perhaps, but overall this was very solid playing.

Star Player:
Deborah Seddon on sop - made a sound like a little angel, glowing with happiness and quality.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 16:59:35

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3. Barnsley Metropolitan
Conductor: Alex Francis

Winners at Yorkshire Area

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Joe Haxby
Principal Euphonium: Cynthia Cotton
Soprano: Mike Cotton
Solo Horn: Julie Makins
Principal Trombone: Carol Dransfield
Flugel: Abbie Spencer
Baritone: Jade Slater
Eb Bass: Margaret Grinnell
Bb Bass: David Cotton
Principal Percussionist: Ben Croud

Performance Comments

A bold start has the right feel of majesty although it is a little lumpy in places as nerves just take to settle. There is a great bass sound on show and the middle of the band has a great balance too.

The Wye ebbs and flows with a little difficulty - the odd over-hanging branch at the end of phrases spoiling a well worked picture. Solo cornet does well and there is a fine bit of horn playing too. This is getting better all the time.

The finale is played with tasteful restraint - the Yorkshire chatter more at home in well heeled Harrogate than Barnsley it seems. There is something in reserve too for a well managed close.

One that got better and better as it went along, with the final movement in particular played with a real touch of panache. Just early slips may cost.

Star Player:
Julie Makins on solo horn was a beacon of refinement and good musicianship throughout.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 16:51:47

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Tullis Russell Intermediate
Conductor: Steven Craig

2nd place at Scottish Championships

Principal Players

Principal Cornet: Hannah Worthington
Principal Euphonium: Chic Masson
Soprano: Karen Hamilton
Solo Horn: Joanne Koziel
Principal Trombone: Ross Balhaj
Flugel:CClaire Miller
Baritone: Kyle Kinnear
Eb Bass: Stephen Donaldson
Bb Bass: James Cowan
Principal Percussionist: Owen Forrest

Performance Comments

A slightly nervous start, but it soon recovers and we detail and balance in the ensemble. MD certainly keeps the music flowing and it isn't over pompous or too deliberate.

Solo cornet recovers so well after a slightly hesitant start and shows a cultured sense of style and phrasing. The Wye meanders nicely, but there are the odd splashes from an old tyre or two. Neat finish rounds things off well.

The finale shows off the best playing - a real Highbrow Edinburgh market place, full of chatter and bustle. Some great perc playing helps things along, although it just gets a little tired to close.

Not a bad one from the Scots (and full marks to the show of patriotism from the MD In his kilt). Just a few nervous moments will knock them a bit.

Star Player:
We are going to give it to the percussion team who really added a bit of colour and texture to each of the movements today.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 16:22:30

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Camborne Junior Contesting
Conductor: Alan Pope

West of England Area (Winners)

Principal Players

Co-Principal Cornets: Abigail Roberts & Rebecca Watson
Principal Euphonium: David Wilton
Soprano: Emily Brown
Solo Horn: Josie Whale
Principal Trombone: Barry Buist
Flugel: Cecilia Carlisle
Baritone: Martin Evans
Eb Bass: John Barnes
Bb Bass: David Roberts
Principal Percussionist: Morwenna Trevena

Pre-Contest Comments

"We are enjoying the challenge of the piece".

Performance Comments

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A fine start is bold and balanced and there is a lucid feel to the music in the first movement that shows that the MD and his young players have out in the hard work in rehearsal.

More super playing in the middle section - a lovely meandering feel to the flow of the river and not a single supermarket trolley spoiling the view either. So well shaped and balanced and soloists have shone like little stars.

Plenty of verve and chattering in the market place in close. Just a few little hiccups, but there is a boldness to this that never gets brash. Perfect middle class Saturday market fayre.

What a fine marker for the rest of the field to beat. MD directed with such good sense and the players responded in kind.

Star Player:
Step forward Josie Whale on horn - a fantastic bit of playing from start to finish.

Section4 • Saturday 21, 16:11:18


Adjudicators: Gareth Pritchard & Derek Southcott

Live comments: Iwan Fox
Twitter Comments: Malcolm Wood

Ammanford Town, Glyn Davies, 12
Barnsley Metropolitan, Alex Francis, 3
Barrhead Burgh, Brian Keachie, 13
Burnside Brass, Laurie Johnston, 16
Camborne Junior Contesting, Alan Pope, 1
City of Oxford Silver, Steve Sizeland, 5
Coppull & Standish, Matt Stringer, 4
Ebbw Valley Brass, Gareth Ritter, 19
Gawthorpe Brass '85, John Edward, 10
Great Yarmouth Brass, Colin Swaep, 11
Ifton Colliery, Steve Curtis, 7
Moulton '77, Roger Stevens, 14
Pilling Jubilee Silver, Len Charnock, 8
Resdev Market Rasen, Dave Dernley, 17
Simon Langton Brass, Dave Cutting, 9
Swindon Brass, Francis Cowley, 18
Trimdon Concert, John Robson, 15
Tullis Russell Intermediate, Steven Craig, 2
Wilton & District, Colin Herbert, 6

Section4 • Wednesday 11, 22:46:06

2013 Fourth Section National Final

Saturday 21st September
Test Piece: 'A Malvern Suite' - Philip Sparke
Draw: tbc
Commence: at the conclusion of Section 2

Adjudicators: Gareth Pritchard & Derek Southcott

Ammanford Town (Glyn Davies)
Barnsley Metropolitan (Alex Francis)
Barrhead Burgh (Brian Keachie)
Burnside Brass (Laurie Johnston)
Camborne Junior Contesting (Alan Pope)
City of Oxford Silver (Steve Sizeland)
Coppull & Standish (Matt Stringer)
Ebbw Valley Brass (Gareth Ritter)
Gawthorpe Brass '85 (John Edward)
Great Yarmouth Brass (Colin Swaep)
Ifton Colliery (Steve Curtis)
Moulton '77 (Roger Stevens)
Pilling Jubilee Silver (Len Charnock)
Resdev Market Rasen (Dave Dernley)
Simon Langton Brass (Dave Cutting)
Swindon Brass (Francis Cowley)
Trimdon Concert (John Robson)
Tullis Russell Intermediate (Steven Craig)
Wilton & District (Colin Herbert)

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal College of Music Sackbut Ensemble

Friday 21 February • Regent Hall (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Regent Hall Concerts - The Band of the Welsh Guards

Friday 21 February • Regent Hall (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Newstead Brass - Midlands Championships Preview Evening

Sunday 23 February • Summit Centre . Kirkby in Ashfield . Nottinghamshire NG17 7LL

Contest: North West Regional Championships

Sunday 23 February • Winter Gardens Complex, Church Street, Blackpool FY1 1HU

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 28 February • Regent Hall (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Boarshurst Silver Band

February 17 • Boarshurst Silver Band, NW Championship Section, requires a BBb player, flugel, and front row cornet player. Under MD Jamie Prophet, the band have an ambitious and varied calendar for 2025, including NW Area, Spring Festival and Whit Friday.

Mid Rhondda Band

February 14 • Mid Rhondda Band are looking for the following players : Front Row Cornet, Solo Trombone, Eb Bass, Kit and Tuned Percussionists. The band will be competing in the 3rd Section at the Welsh Area. Contest & concert engagements in the diary for 2025

Reading Spring Gardens Brass Band

February 13 • Reading Band (current joint 1st place in the L&SC 4th section grading tables) needs a TENOR HORN for the regional contest in Stevenage on 15th March! Rehearsals in Woodley (RG5) on Thursday evenings with our MD Stephen Bucknell.

Stephen Phillips

Conductor, Band Trainer, Educator, Compere


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