
2018 North of England Regional Championships
As it happened

All the action from the 2018 North of England Regional Championships — As it happened.

North of England

Sunday 18, 17:34:42


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Championship Section:

Test Piece: Odyssey (Kevin Norbury)
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & Michael Fowles

1. NASUWT Riverside (David Roberts)*
2. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)*
3. Fishburn (David Hirst)
4. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)
5. Westoe (Jason Smith)
6. Lockwood Brass (John Roberts)
7. Shepherd Building Group (Richard Wilton)
8. Easington Colliery (Ian Robinson)
9. York Railway Institute (Dr David Lancaster)
10. Kirkbymoorside Town (Sarah Woodward)

*Qualify for National Final

Best Soprano: NASUWT Riverside
Best Principal Cornet: Reg Vardy
Best Euphonium: NASUWT Riverside
Best Trombone: NASUWT Riverside
Best Basses: NASUWT Riverside
Best Percussion: NASUWT Riverside

North of England

Sunday 18, 16:48:40

Championship Section:

Steve Jack's round up and prediction

A thoroughly enjoyable contest has brought two outstanding performances that you can only separate with the proverbial cigarette paper.

Reg Vardy and NASUWT Riverside pulled out performances of real top flight substance that should take the top two places and the trip to the Albert Hall. However don't be surprised if they are reversed.

Behind them for us comes a rejuvinated Fishburn with EYMS in fourth.

4BR prediction

1. Reg Vardy
2. NASUWT Riverside
3. Fishburn

North of England

Sunday 18, 16:37:12

Championship Section:

10. Shepherd Building Society (Robert Wilton)

Now that was a good start — full of nicely shaped sounds and a superb fruity bass trom. When Slane crosses from euphoniums to back row cornets, boy do we hear them making the most of the spotlight.

The middle movement just lacked that extra bit of finesse, but you have to respect their attempt at it — played with real confidence.

The finale was a real stonker though; a riotous assembly if ever there was one. A very good one indeed that — enjoyable and substantial.

North of England

Sunday 18, 16:33:47

Championship Section:

9. Kirkbymoorside Town (Sarah Woodward)

After travelling through the snow Kirkbymoorside show their intent with a restrained opening that suits their young band. Sarah Woodward gives the music time and space directing on her debut. Her dad John would be proud of her — it's cultured stuff this.

There are a few slips here and there, but on the whole it's neatly portrayed and cohesive. Middle movement may just lack a little of the quiet reflection of others but it was delivered with confidence.

The finale may not have the strength and power either, but it has enough about it for a strong, triumphant close.

To come

Shepherd Building Group

North of England

Sunday 18, 16:30:21

Championship Section:

8. EYMS (Stig Maersk)

The opening is good but — yikes; slips and blips from the cornets are points losing shrapnel surely?

Gathered back in tempo, Stig Maersk (conducting without a score) leads them back onto the straight and narrow with a fabulous bit of ensemble playing from all concerned.

The slow movement rocks gently...until a nasty high split from euph and suddenly it goes as cold as the weather outside. What a pity.

The finale brings the best from them again...but the final approach is rather lacklustre and tame. A nearly one that — and they know it.

To come

9. Kirbymoorside

North of England

Sunday 18, 16:26:37

Championship Section:

7. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)

The Belgian cornet star Lode Violet is the top man for this performance, but whatever the arguments, the start is stunning — with Russell Gray pulling every ounce out of the players. They really meant business.

The Allegro is masterfully played, before entering a beautifully executed central section where Lode Violet shows his class — playing with a compassion which belies his young years. It's gorgeous stuff.

The finale goes on a pace that again takes off the roof (and a couple of bricks with it). Quite brilliant...but...will the judges like the interpretation which was bubbling with so much passion?

To come


North of England

Sunday 18, 15:35:21

Championship Section:

6. Easington Colliery (Ian Robinson)

A bit rough and ready round the edges so to speak in places and the balance seems a touch wayward too with bold sop leading things. The pace is tempered and lacks a little drive (not from conductor though who is working hard)

There's something curiously lacking it seems; be it a sense of compassion in the slow movement or purpose in the quicker parts. Daniel Robson plays well on cornet, but overall the ensemble is messy and unfocused.

The route to the finale is fraught with danger, and a bit like a few pilgrims we know, they fall by the wayside a few times. One that didn't come off today.

To come

7. Reg Vardy

North of England

Sunday 18, 15:20:55

Championship Section:

5. NASUWT Riverside (David Roberts)

Its a who's who of banding with amongst others, Joe Cook sitting behind mam Linda here. The snow shouldn't have caused him any problems from Norway then! We just sit back and listen to the opening and Allegro; the Eb bass solos a joy to listen to amid such spirited playing.

The slow movement is full of rich deep tones from the bass end and Tina Mortimer shows her class on solo cornet with a lovely contribution.

Wow — what a conclusion: It lifts the roof off! The sense of drive to the finale would have opened the gates of Graceland let alone heaven above.

To come


North of England

Sunday 18, 14:54:50

Championship Section:

4. Fishburn (David Hirst)

A full blooded opening — and it's the first time that the short percussion interlude into the Allegro has meant something; woodblocks in perfect time. These little things may make a difference today.

Oh the sweetness of John Gill's tone; he plays his cornet part as if he could rock my grand daughter to sleep. Beautiful contributions from the rest of band too with such a lovely flugel.

Finale is brought to a rousing close . A very fine performance indeed. (We are getting better as we go along says Mr Jack snr!) Laid a serious marker that — very serious indeed.

To come

5. NASUWT Riverside

North of England

Sunday 18, 14:50:45

Championship Section:

3. Westoe (Jason Smith)

Despite being a couple short on the back row, Westoe make a good start, although as we get to the Allegro there are tuning issues. Jason Smith is enjoying himself cajoling his charges, with a no-nonsense approach that has much to admire.

Tom Cooke and Steven Kyle do fine jobs on their solo spots; full of sweetness, before the band races towards the finale.

Ample puff in reserve to complete a very good and rewarding performance.

To come

4. Fishburn

North of England

Sunday 18, 14:26:11

Championship Section:

2. York Railway Institute (David Lancaster)

Bass trom was certainly noticeable in a good way at the start as the band thundered along under David Lancaster. Allegro had verve and commitment from all, despite tiny slips.

Slow movement eased along with euph in particular doing a fine job. Solo cornet manages to hold on in his contribution with a fine close too.

Finale powered towards an exciting finale with the Lord above meeting the band on equal power terms. A good rendition expertly directed that.

To come

3. Westoe

North of England

Sunday 18, 14:16:33


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Third Section:

Test Piece: Napoleon on the Alps (Philip Harper)
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & John Roberts

1. Barton Community (Gary Oglesby)*
2. Knaresborough Silver (Nick Garrett)*
3. Ellington Colliery (Claire Winter)
4. Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
5. Murton Colliery (David Conway)
6. Swinton & District Excelsior (Robin Rutter)
7. Billingham Silver (Vaughan Evans)
8. Backworth Colliery (Colin Harris)

Withdrawn: Kingsway Printers Cleethorpes (Brian Harper)

*Qualify for National Final

Best Percussion: Jayess Newbiggin
Best Cornet: Jayess Newbiggin

North of England

Sunday 18, 14:10:03

Championship Section:

1. Lockwood (John Roberts)

A fair start full of dynamic contrasts but some inner parts are muffled. When we get flying we really hear the Slane hymn tune although their tiny slips from around the band.

The slow middle section sees the solo cornet fluff a couple of notes and sop and a few rattles from instruments clanking unintentionally spoil the picture. A pity.

The same slips are heard as the finale reaches its conclusion. Band obviously suffered from playing first, but it was a bold effort.

To come

2. York Railway Institute

North of England

Sunday 18, 13:33:32


Championship Section:

Test Piece: Odyssey (Kevin Norbury)
Sunday 18th March
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & Michael Fowles
Draw: 12 noon
Commences: 1.30pm

1. Lockwood Brass (John Roberts)
2. York Railway Institute (Dr David Lancaster)
3. Westoe (Jason Smith)
4. Fishburn (David Hirst)
5. NASUWT Riverside (David Roberts)
6. Easington Colliery (Ian Robinson)
7. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)
8. East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Maersk)
9. Kirkbymoorside Town (Sarah Woodward)
10. Shepherd Building Group (Richard Wilton)

North of England

Sunday 18, 13:03:39

Third Section:

Neat and tidy to close

With Cleethorpes withdrawing, the final two bands take to the stage and deliver so well.

With the two Lynn lads on solo cornet and horn respectively (Maxwell and Thomson) and with the Bannister boys on basses this could have been a very good instead of a good and worthy performance.

Neat and tidy, with just about everything in the right place, they were hampered by not having a full cornet end. Well directed and well maintained though.

Congratulations to Backworth for turning up with just 18 players and percussion. The young cornet player is 13 today and this occasion will live in his memory. Bravo — he was splendid too. It was hard going for them at times, but once again it was neatly put together.

4BR prediction:

Overall this was a very enjoyable contest with nearly all bands having something to say and emerging with a great deal of musical credit. Great to hear bands in the region at this level playing so confidently.

1. Ellington
2. Barton Community
3. Swinton

North of England

Sunday 18, 12:37:32

Third Section:

Lets hear it for the girls...

The amount of female front row cornet sections, or even entire cornet team complements (well almost) is brilliant to see and hear.

Swinton & District's front row belted out 'Napoleon on the Alps' with a solo cornet that could have melted the snow on the mountain tops. Their trombone end did well too, giving an eerie quality to the opening, rising through the mists.

It's a long time since we have heard Ellington Colliery on this form, but they were excellent and a clear leader for us.

Clair Winter certainly threw herself into her debut, conducting for all she was worth. The band from Morpeth certainly raised the stakes; full of nobility, tenderness and with a lovely flugel player.

And Barton Community under the diminutive Garry Oglesby put their hat into the ring with a
powerhouse account. You could just imagine the armed forces striding through the snow in a finale that left little to the imagination.

Only the second movement could let them down; tiny slips occurring at regular intervals.

It's a very good contest this...

To come

7. Murton
8. Backworth

North of England

Sunday 18, 12:08:22

Third Section:

Slightly uneven here in Durham

An indifferent start to proceedings here at Durham

Knaresborough after an 'lumpy' start from the basses, soon settled down to give the type of marker adjudicators like as a marker; good dynamics and contrasts but with just the odd lapse in concentration.

Meanwhile, Billingham Silver was the 4BR curate's egg — some parts good, especially the finale, whilst others left a little to be desired with tuning a major issue. Pity (or envy) the one bloke in a cornet end full of girls! The principal cornet had a lovely sound.

As for Jayess Newbiggin; they can count on one of the best solo cornets this region has produced with Dennis Todd. Now well into his seventies he is still producing the goods like he was as a 20-year old.

All the bands have given excellent finales, but here was the first time the middle movement really spoke to us. Only the first movement could let them down.

To come

4. Swinton
5. Ellington
6. Barton Community

North of England

Sunday 18, 10:56:36

Third Section:

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Spare a thought...

Spare a thought for Cleethorpes Band as they have had to withdraw from the contest due to the severe weather.

They were all set to come at 6.00am this morning but the bus company cancelled the journey. They were offered a trip from EYMS, but with instruments etc but they couldn't fit it all in the bus. Therefore they've withdrawn.

Meanwhile Ray Payne has been showing off his new cartoon on his kit drum — brilliant.

North of England

Sunday 18, 10:31:27


Third Section:

Sunday 18th March
Test Piece: Napoleon on the Alps (Philip Harper)
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & John Roberts
Draw: 9.00am
Commences: 10.30am

1. Knaresborough Silver (Nick Garrett)
2. Billingham Silver (Vaughan Evans)
3. Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
4. Swinton & District Excelsior (Robin Rutter)
5. Ellington Colliery (Claire Winter)
6. Barton Community (Gary Oglesby)
7. Murton Colliery (David Conway)
8. Backworth Colliery (Colin Harris)

Withdrawn: Kingsway Printers Cleethorpes (Brian Harper)

North of England

Sunday 18, 10:27:28

Third Section:

Arctic rolls in Durham...

We made it!

Morning everyone from an Arctic-like Durham. Mr Putin has sent across a white-out blizzard for us (we couldn't see the Riverside cricket grounds lighting pylons).

However the bands are here, the draw for the Third Section has been made and we'll get underway in about half an hours time.

Now to get a very hot cup of tea....

North of England

Saturday 17, 19:51:32


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Second Section:

Test Piece: Ex Terra Lucem (Jonathan Bates)
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & John Roberts

1. North Skelton (Daniel Brooks)*
2. J36 Brass (Andrew Warriner)*
3. Ferryhill Town (Gareth Sykes)
4. Cockerton (Peter Elcoat)
5. NASUWT Concert Brass (Andrew Hall)
6. Durham Miners Association (Stuart Gray)
7. East Riding of Yorkshire (Gary Hallas)
8. Bearpark & Esh Colliery (Phillip Tait)

*Qualify for National Final

Best Euphonium: North Skelton
Best Basses: North Skelton
Best Soprano: J36

North of England

Saturday 17, 19:07:59

Second Section:

Cat amongst the pigeons

This has been the most enjoyable contest of the day. All the bands gave very creditable performances and showed that they could really play the piece with more than just the basics in place.

Bearpark & Esh Colliery gave a resounding account fwith the young cornet end garnering special praise for his super playing , but North Skelton and Danny Brooks put the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons with a little cracker.

A really solid performance, with good ensemble and dynamics — this could sneak into a top two places.

4BR prediction:

1. J36
2. North Skelton
3. East Riding of Yorkshire

North of England

Saturday 17, 18:39:41

Second Section:

Fair crack of the whip

All the bands have given this a fair crack — and even those who have obviously struggled have emerged with a great deal of credit.

Take Durham Miners Association for instance. Not one of the more fancied bands today, but they had good solid ensemble, a great euphonium and a percussion section that added colour and deft effect.

Now read those comments again — as they applied to both NASUWT Concert and Ferryhill Town — giving you some idea of the contest we're enjoying.

Ferryhill had Gareth Sykes at the helm making sure you heard everything (and you did), whilst the Concert band played with a jazzy easy going style throughout the quicker movements that was a joy.

This one is going down to the wire!

To come

7. Bearpark & Esh
8. North Skelton

North of England

Saturday 17, 17:54:59

Second Section:

Classy readings making their mark

Three bands in and already it is a much better standard than the First Section.

J36 have shown their intentions with a very classy reading with only a small query over some tuning in the slow 2nd movement. Still it was some performance that had a mark of potential qualification class about it, whilst Garry Hallas' East Riding of Yorkshire wasn't far behind at all with a well judged, thoughtful reading.

And then came Cockerton who will be pleased with their efforts off no.1 with a performance notable for good, well balanced ensemble work throughout.

This is turning out to be a little cracker!

To come

4. NASUWT Riverside
5. Ferryhill
6. Durham Miners Association

North of England

Saturday 17, 16:57:45


Second Section:

Saturday 17th March
Test Piece: Ex Terra Lucem (Jonathan Bates)
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & John Roberts
Draw: 3.00pm
Commences: 4.30pm

1. Cockerton (Peter Elcoat)
2. East Riding of Yorkshire (Gary Hallas)
3. J36 Brass (Andrew Warriner)
4. NASUWT Concert Brass (Andrew Hall)
5. Ferryhill Town (Gareth Sykes)
6. Durham Miners Association (Stuart Gray)
7. Bearpark & Esh Colliery (Phillip Tait)
8. North Skelton (Daniel Brooks)

North of England

Saturday 17, 16:43:13


First Section:

Test Piece: Brass Metamorphosis (James Curnow)
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & Michael Fowles

1. Harrogate (Dean Jones)*
2. Houghton Brass (Lee Morris)*
3. Ripon City (Jack Capstaff)
4. GT Group Peterlee (Simon Kerwin)
5. Ashington Colliery (David Kendall)
6. Dunston Silver (Aidan Hodges)

*Qualify for National Final

Best Trombone: Harrogate
Best Basses: Harrogate
Best Percussion: Ripon City

North of England

Saturday 17, 16:13:09

First Section:

Hard battlers

the second half of this contest contained three very hard working performances from Harrogate, Ripon and GT Group Peterlee.

Again, the MDs tried to make the most of their resources and emoted sensible tempo and dynamics choices, but the technical aspects seemed to stretch them at times and it was a little uneven.

Boldness and drive from Harrogate, pulse and energy from Ripon before Peterlee perhaps gave the most cohesive performance of the contest to close.

It's a close one to pick a clear winner here, but it could be any two from three for us with Houghton getting the edge over Peterlee and Dunston.

Steve Jack's prediction:

1. Houghton
2. Peterlee
3. Dunston

North of England

Saturday 17, 15:33:00

First Section:

Intersting accounts...

Three bands played and halfway through in this small contest and it's been very intersting to say the least.

You have to congratulate the MDs for making the most of their resources, and bringing the character out of the music. Techncially its been a little hit and miss at times with been something of a hotch-potch so far with all the bands having something interesting to say but with clips and blips no-one has come away unscathed.

Ashington gave it a bold go — helped by some well chosen tempi, but the standard was raised by Dunston and Houghton — both showing considerable depth of sound, control of tempi and dynamics and solid, confident soloists.

Both MDs knew what they could and couldn't do and managed things with such good sense. Both had their moments of unease, but both emerged with a great deal of credit.

North of England

Saturday 17, 13:56:49


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Fourth Section:

Test Piece: World Tour (Rodney Newton)
Adjudicators: Michael Fowles & John Roberts

1. Spennymoor Town (Fiona Casewell)*
2. Tewit Silver (Martin Hall)*
3. Trimdon Concert Brass (David Kinross)
4. Burneside Brass (Dave Higson)
5. Lanchester (Tom Yates)
6. Marske (Nigel Barnes)
7. Penrith Town (Chris Torn)
8. Craghead Colliery (Alan Fernie)

*Qualify for National Final

Best Cornet: Soprano (Spennymoor Town)
Best Euphonium: Spennymoor Town
Youngest Player: Spennymoor Town

North of England

Saturday 17, 13:50:44


First Section:

Test Piece: Brass Metamorphosis (James Curnow)
Saturday 17th March
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & Michael Fowles
Draw: 12.30pm
Commences: 1.45pm

1. Ashington Colliery (David Kendall)
2. Dunston Silver (Aidan Hodges)
3. Houghton Brass (Lee Morris)
4. Harrogate (Dean Jones)
5. Ripon City (Jack Capstaff)
6. GT Group Peterlee (Simon Kerwin)

North of England

Saturday 17, 13:25:55

Fourth Section:

We had to wait for them to make their debut, but Tewit Silver gave a performance that could well see them taking the trip to Cheltenham, despite one person's attempt at sabotage with a mobile phone!

Penrith gave it their best shot but seemed a little harsh in what was a performance full of spirit and passion.

Steve Jack's round up and opinion

Its a straight fight between Spennymoor and Trimdon for the second place for us in a contest that every band came out of with a great deal of merit. Enjoyable stuff that.

4BR prediction:

1. Tewit Silver
2. Spennymoor
3. Trimdon

North of England

Saturday 17, 13:01:28

Fourth Section:

Trimdon push into the frame...

Trimdon Concert have put themselves right in the frame with a cracking performance that will push Spennymoor all the way here you suspect. Dave Kinross certainly brought out the best from them on a performance rich in colour and excitment.

Burneside Brass found their journey rocky in places but there was plenty to enjoy in each of the movements, whilst Craghead under Alan Fernie found it even harder with only two top cornets — but what a splendid show of passion, endeavour and northern grit. Bravo. Two to go and the contest up for grabs.

To come

7. Penrith
8. Tewit

North of England

Saturday 17, 12:03:25

Fourth Section:

What a good start with two cracking efforts from two of first three bands that could figure in the judge's minds for Cheltenham. Unfortunately the first band Lanchester found the going tough at times, but there was a great spirit about the playing aided by the encouraging work of the excellent MD.

Marske and especially Spennymoor Town brought a real sense of a musical journey to their renditions.

Specialt mention to Fiona Casewell who conducted Spennymoor for the first time and Yvonne Malcom who showed class never goes away on the soprano. Two fine shows that with so much to enjoy in the approach.

To come

4. Trimdon
5. Burneside
6. Craghead

North of England

Saturday 17, 11:02:11


Fourth Section:

Saturday 17th March
Test Piece: World Tour (Rodney Newton)
Adjudicators: Michael Fowles & John Roberts
Draw: 9.30am
Commences: 11.00am

1. Lanchester (Tom Yates)
2. Spennymoor Town (Fiona Casewell)
3. Marske (Nigel Barnes)
4. Trimdon Concert Brass (David Kinross)
5. Burneside Brass (Dave Higson)
6. Craghead Colliery (Alan Fernie)
7. Penrith Town (Chris Torn)
8. Tewit Silver (Martin Hall)

North of England

Saturday 17, 10:54:13

Fourth Section:

Welcome from Durham

Morning everyone from the Land of the Prince Bishops. Mind you, a bishop would do well to be snuggled up in front of a roaring log fire as Durham is a cold and snowy place this morning with the 'Beast from the East' returning with a vengeance.

Thankfully, the Gala theatre is warm and dry with an equally warm welcome to all. Tony Griffiths has already overseen the first draw of the day and we will put it up as soon as Michael Fowles and John Roberts are in the box.

North of England

Saturday 17, 02:30:00

Competing bands

Championship Section:

Test Piece: Odyssey (Kevin Norbury)
Sunday 18th March
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & Michael Fowles
Draw: 12 noon
Commences: 1.30pm

Easington Colliery (Ian Robinson)
East Yorkshire Motor Services (Stig Mærsk)
Fishburn (David Hirst)
Kirkbymoorside Town (Sarah Woodward)
Lockwood Brass (John Roberts)
NASUWT Riverside (David Roberts)
Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)
Shepherd Building Group (Richard Wilton)
York Railway Institute (Dr David Lancaster)
Westoe (Jason Smith)

First Section:

Test Piece: Brass Metamorphosis (James Curnow)
Saturday 17th March
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & Michael Fowles
Draw: 12.30pm
Commences: 1.45pm

Ashington Colliery (David Kendall)
Dunston Silver (Aidan Hodges)
GT Group Peterlee (Simon Kerwin)
Houghton Brass (Lee Morris)
Harrogate (Dean Jones)
Ripon City (Jack Capstaff)

Second Section:

Saturday 17th March
Test Piece: Ex Terra Lucem (Jonathan Bates)
Adjudicators: Howard Evans & John Roberts
Draw: 3.00pm
Commences: 4.30pm

Bearpark & Esh Colliery (Phillip Tait)
Cockerton (Peter Elcoat)
Durham Miners Association (Stuart Gray)
East Riding of Yorkshire (Gary Hallas)
Ferryhill Town (Gareth Sykes)
J36 Brass (Andrew Warriner)
NASUWT Concert Brass (Andrew Hall)
North Skelton (Daniel Brooks)

Third Section:

Sunday 18th March
Test Piece: Napoleon on the Alps (Philip Harper)
Adjudicators: Mareika Gray & John Roberts
Draw: 9.00am
Commences: 10.30am

Backworth Colliery (Colin Harris)
Barton Community (Gary Oglesby)
Billingham Silver (Vaughan Evans)
Ellington Colliery (Claire Winter)
Jayess Newbiggin (Andrew Griffiths)
Kingsway Printers Cleethorpes (Brian Harper)
Knaresborough Silver (Nick Garrett)
Murton Colliery (David Conway)
Swinton & District Excelsior (Robin Rutter)

Fourth Section:

Saturday 17th March
Test Piece: World Tour (Rodney Newton)
Adjudicators: Michael Fowles & John Roberts
Draw: 9.30am
Commences: 11.00am

Burneside Brass (Dave Higson)
Craghead Colliery (Alan Fernie)
Lanchester (Tom Yates)
Marske (Nigel Barnes)
Penrith Town (Chris Torn)
Spennymoor Town (Fiona Casewell)
Tewit Silver (Martin Hall)
Trimdon Concert Brass (David Kinross)

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

West Wycombe Brass Band

October 20 • West Wycombe Brass Band are seeking a Conductor/ MD. The position could be full or part-time. Experience of Brass Bands preferred. None contesting, sensible engagement list. Rehearsals Wednesday 7.45-9.45pm. . Contact Secretary for more details.

Bilton Silver Rugby Band

October 18 • Bilton Silver (Rugby) requires a cornet player to join our Championship Section band (Position negotiable) Under MD Brad Turnbull we have a varied programme of events. Rehearsals are held on Monday and Friday at 7-45pm in our own purpose built bandroom.

Epping Forest Band

October 18 • We are a friendly 2nd section band in Essex. Our various concert programs include performances here and abroad . We are in need of a Tenor Horn (position negotiable) and a Kit player. We have our own band room and full percussion is provided

Stephen Phillips

Conductor, Band Trainer, Educator, Compere


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