
2018 Brass in Concert
As it happened

All the action from the 2018 Brass in Concert Championship — As it happened.

Sunday 18, 19:44:06

Goodnight from Gateshead

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What a weekend

Well we have reached the end of a hugely enjoyable weekend here at Sage Gateshead.

Cory, once again reign supreme as the entertainment champion who set the highest of bars to match, but they know the were been pushed today by some super rivals, so congratulations too, to Carlton Main, Brighouse, Manger, Fountain City and Foden's for their podium finishes.

Congratulations also go to Wardle Youth who took the inaugural Youth Brass in Concert title.

We head home with lots of great memories, including a breathtaking Gala concert that certainly got people talking.

Frank Renton will also head home after his 25 years as the voice of the contest. He acknowledged with a picture of himself surrounded by brass players and a heartfelt standing ovation. Never short of a word, he quipped that he couldn't believe he was still bald!

Our thanks go to the Brass in Concert team for the hospitality and help this weekend.

Goodnight from Gateshead.

Sunday 18, 19:08:47

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2018 Brass in Concert Champion — Cory

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Cory with their haul of silverware



Nick Grace & Rieks van der Velde (Music Quality of Performance)
Chris King (Programme Content)
Jeremy Wise & Terry Carter (Entertainment & Presentation)
Owen Farr (Soloist and Individual Awards)

Music/Music/Content/Entertainment = Total
Grace/van der Velde /King/Wise/Carter= Total

1. Cory (Phillip Harper): 60/60/38/19/20:197
2. Carlton Main Frickley Colliery (Paul Holland): 57/54/36/18/16:181
3. Brighouse & Rastrick (Dr David Thornton): 48/57/40/13/18:176
4. Manger Musikklag (Martin Philip Winter): 54/51/34/16/19 :174
5. Fountain City (Dr Joseph Parisi): 51/45/26/20/17:159
6. Foden's (Michael Fowles): 45/48/32/17/15:157
7. Flowers (Lee Skipsey): 42/39/28/15/14:138
8. Whitburn (Leigh Baker): 36/42/30/14/13:135
9. Hammonds (Morgan Griffiths): 39/36/24/12/10:121
10. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray): 30/33/22/11/11:107
11. Atlantic Brass Band (Salvatore Scarpa): 33/30/20/10/12:105

Individual Awards:

Don Lusher Trombone Award: Chris Thomas (Cory)
Harry Mortimer Best Principal Cornet Award: Kirsty Abbotts (Carlton Main Frickley Colliery)
The Fesa Trophy for Best Flugel Award: Helen Williams (Cory)
The Gateshead MBC Trophy for Best Soprano Award: Ryan Sharp (Fountain City)
The Louis and Colin Johnson Trophy for Best Percussion Section: Fountain City
Best Euphonium: Gary Curtin (Foden's)
Best Baritone: Paul Haigh (Carlton Main Frickley Colliery)
Best Horn: Emily Evans (Flowers)
John Fletcher Best Basses Award: Flowers
Best Entertainment and Presentation: Cory
Audience Entertainment Prize: Cory
Best Programme Content: Brighouse & Rastrick
Quality of Performance: Cory
Best Soloist: Paul Richards (soprano) Flowers
New Composition/Arrangement Award : Jacob Vilhelm Larsen
Winning MD: Philip Harper
Youngest Player: Keir Evans Brown (Hammonds) aged 17

Sunday 18, 18:28:34

Sage round up and Malcolm Wood's prediction:

What a superb day this has been, where the quality of the playing at the top end in particular has been outstanding.

The early trio of Foden's, Brighouse and Cory delivered excellent programmes that had so much quality, but even they may have to bow to Fountain City or Manger.

They really could throw a spanner in the musical works today — and Fountain is our tip to win it.

They were breathtaking with their mix of music choreography. Even four hours after Malaguena finished it still sends tingles down the spine — what playing.

Manger was classy and deserves to feature in the mix, but where, will depend on the judges.

Whitburn went for something different, so did Carlton Main and they could be both pushing for a top six berth.

4BR Prediction:

1. Fountain City
2. Brighouse & Rastrick
3. Cory
4. Manger Musikklag
5. Foden's
6. Whitburn

Dark Horse: Carlton Main Frickley

Sunday 18, 17:19:29

11. Atlantic Brass Band (Salvatore Scarpa)

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Asphalt Cocktail (John Mackey arr. Jim Grey)
Lest We Forget (Christopher Bond)
Xerxes (Daniel Hall)
Soloist: Bryan Appleby-Wineberg (cornet)
Mongolian Folk Song (Gliere arr. Craig Roberts)
A Spin Through Moscow (Dmitri Shostakovich arr. Gary Westwood)
La Befana from Roman Festivals (Respighi trans. Howard Snell)

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It's been a great day here at Sage Gateshead and its rounded off with something for proud Brits to feel at home with — especially when it comes courtesy of American friends with a theme based on Liberty and The Age of Empires.

The Asphalt was burning hot with the opening — played with pulsating, throbbing drive, before we had a lovely homage to those lost in times of conflict — with Chris Bond's touching tribute to Welshman Ivor Novello.

Frank Renton did his bit alongside powerful imagery to give people time for reflective thought.

It was powerful stuff that really stirred the soul and brought home the sacrifices of so many. A world premiere of Daniel Hall's cornet solo is a fine piece of work — very well played by the soloist, despite the little glitch to start.

The worldwide influences continued with the evocative Mongolian Folk Song, with a super euph lead and quartet ensemble. That took you to a place not many people thought they would go to in the mind's eye today. Super stuff.

The spin through Moscow in a little Trabant car was handled expertly with a few more revs than you suspect an old Russian banger could have produced under the hood.

It' was all rounded off with masterful Respighi via Howard Snell — and its full throttle playing had plenty in reserve too. That took some playing, but they accomplished it in a fine manner.


A well constructed show that also had a well tempered balance and focus on what was an impressive debut from the Americans.

Sunday 18, 16:40:09

10.Carlton Main Frickley (Paul Holland)

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Hats off for Carlton Main

Murder in the Night

The Murder in the Night (Ben Hollings)
Express to Murder (Geert Jan Kroon)
Threnody (Ben Hollings)
Soloist: Kirsty Abbotts (cornet)
Cloak and Dagger (Jonathan Bates)
How to catch a killer... Jonathan Bates)

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Carlton Main have provided a number of inventive programmes here over the years — but they have never got away with murder.

This was so cleverly done though that not even Jessica Fletcher could get them bang to rights...

It had an edge as well as wit, with shivers down the spine to go with the occasionally darkly hued chuckles — all controlled from the middle by Paul Holland in best Alfred Hitchcock mode.

The black undertones aided by the great voice over and images set the who-dunnit scene. The music had contrast and an eerie feel.

As always Kirsty Abbotts delivered a masterclass in the art of lyrical cornet playing before we were back in Cluedo land with two cracking pieces from the pen of Jonathan Bates.

There was always something to keep you riveted here — the music, the presentation, the knowing looks (from a great flugel) and the playing. The finisher was a ripper — excuse the pun.


Very different, and a bold subject to tackle and tackle successfully. They managed it though with vigour and commitment — and perhaps one eye on the law. Bravo.

Sunday 18, 15:58:19

9. Hammonds Saltaire (Morgan Griffiths)

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Eyes on the job ahead...

Myths & Folklore: A Journey:

A Short Ride in a Brass Machine (Andrew Baker)
Brasilia (Robin Dewhurst)
Soloist: Matthew Brown (trombone)
Clair De Lune (Claude Debussy arr. Daniel Hall)
Knut liten og Syvelin (Trad arr. Frode Rydland)
Tale of the Dragon (Paul Lovatt-Cooper)

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Hammonds may have been a late addition to the contest line-up, but they certainly showed quality and invention in an engaging programme set.

The Short Ride had real nip and fizz before Matthew Brown thrilled with Dewhurst's 'Brasilia' — played with a touch of the old Lusheroso about it.

An interesting take on 'Clair De La Lune' sees the piece given a fresh lick of musical paint and refined hue, in contrast to Frank Renton's well worn Knut joke that followed.

Thankfully the playing put a smile on the face for the right reasons — delivered with a touch of Nordic aplomb.

Back to the opening formation with cornets either side and troms behind basses, as it bristled along with purpose and confidence in this journey of myth and folklore.

It's so well judged and the PLC finisher had a fiery roar and plenty of juice to round things off.


Full marks for musical enterprise and delivery from Hammonds in a limited space of time.

The whole ensemble thrived on playing today and deserve huge credit, along with the MD. They should be proud of that show.

Sunday 18, 15:08:30

8. Flowers (Leigh Skipsey)

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The Red Hills of Georgia (Jonathan Bates)
War Dance of the Red Cossacks (Jonathan Bates)
Let Freedom Ring (Jonathan Bates)
Soloist: Paul Richards (soprano)
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free (Trad arr. Jonathan Bates)
That Promised Land (Jonathan Bates)

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Flowers gave a Brass in Concert premiere to a set that was first aired a few weeks ago at the SIDDIS contest with Jaren Musikkforening.

Lee Skipsey is the man at the helm and he certainly injects enthusiasm and charisma into the Freedom mix — right from its southern USA start.

Paul Richards is such a wonderfully gifted lyrical soprano player — and once again it's a joy to listen to him perform a solo that suits his elegant musicality to a tee (above).

The Cossacks would have to be a fit lot to keep up with Comrade Skipsey — fast and furious with soloists taking centre stage to play a solo line or two. That had real fizz.

The late film critic Barry Norman would have been delighted by the take on his famous theme tune — sashaying along with stylish intent

It also contrasts nicely with the finale — with its obvious nod of appreciation to Peter Graham. This was bold, confident playing with the MD really squeezing every last drop of adrenaline and energy from his charges.

Just lost a touch of focus and got scrappy in places, but they were biting at the reins to round off a spirited account.


Full marks for the endeavour in delivery and the engaging concept. With peerless Paul Richards throwing his hat in the ring for at least a couple of awards, they may not go home empty handed.

Sunday 18, 14:34:31

7. Manger Musikklag (Martin Winter)

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In time with Cubism:

My Mother is a Fish (Martin Winter)
Rag for Igor (Martin Philip Winter)
Soloist: Sigurd Olsen (xylophone)
Parades: Episodes from the Ballet (Satie arr. Martin Winter)
Tears (Martin Winter)
Soloist: Joe Cook (Eb tuba)
Trumpets with Man (Martin Winter)
Soloists: Nick Walkley and William Grov Skramsett (trumpet)

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There was so much expectation surrounding this performance following the band's recent victory at the SIDDIS contest, and by heck did it live up to it.

So clever, but never patronising in its concept and witty conceit — allowing the audience to revel in the musical links, which although at times surreal (Rite of Spring as a xylo rag) were never drawn from the wildest of Daliesque inventions.

Those who knew their Mussorsky from the elbows, their Stravinsky from their Satie could understand what was going on here — and what was, was fantastic brass band playing, led by a conductor of rare insight and imagination.

The French delicacy of the Satie sat perfectly against impassioned melancholy of the tuba solo in homage to Picasso's 'Guernica'.

The razzle dazzle close with its pointed edges and jazz inflections — so reminiscent of Howard Snell's Matisse jazz cut out writing in his 'Gallery' was a fantastic way to close a tour de force performance.


A performance of superb quality, but also intrigue from Manger — so whether the judges will take to it remains to be seen?

Could split some big British hitters in the results at the top end of things if they do.

Sunday 18, 13:54:02

6. Fountain City (Dr Joseph Parisi)

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At home with the Harrelsons...

'Las Calles de Vida' (Streets of Life)

Grow Till Tall (Jonsi arr. Lee Harrelson)
Libertango (Astor Piazzolla arr. Lee Harrelson)
The Hymn of Acxiom (Vienna Teng arr. Lee Harrelson)
Asphalt Cocktail (John Mackey arr. Lee Harrelson)
Malaguena (Ernesto Lecuona arr. Lee Harrelson)

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Right from the opening with the hall in total darkness to the full tilt close, this was a performance that wouldn't have been out of place on Broadway.

Clever choreography and musical nuance combined in the opening to leave the first scorch mark, before the familiar Piazzolla strains came with filtered lights and shaded textures (above).

There is purpose to everything on show here — from the choreography to the musicianship — always engaging the audience in both spheres.

The hymn is different but with a deep respect for the traditional virtues of high class lyrical playing, before we head into the bump and grind of the asphalt streets. Corking playing this — and with the power to be heard over the river at St James' Park.

Love the exhibitionism on show too — flair playing without over egging it. Any local Spaniards (Rafa Benitez) included would have loved the approach to the classic Malequena.

Mind you — we don't think even Rafa would take to the pitch to play in the same way as the MD. Blimey — that pinned us back in our seats.

There was no doubting that the audience lapped up every last morsel of that.


Fountain City dazzled last year to finish second and they dazzled once more — perhaps even more brightly on this occasion.

A wonderfully colourful, descriptive programme that wasn't always in your face, but always put a smile on it in its many moods.

Sunday 18, 13:21:00

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Malcolm Wood's halfway Sage thoughts

What an enjoyable morning that has been, with the bands clearly thinking long and hard as to finding that winning combination to tickle the taste buds of the judges and audience.

Foden's and Brighouse certainly delivered sets that really set the pulses racing. In all honesty, there is very little between them and Cory, who delivered a Shakespeare inspired set with typical polish.

Brighouse though really tickled many people's taste buds and it had that little something different from Cory that may just put them ahead by a nose. There is a just a sniff in it though.

Behind them, an intriguing set from Whitburn that could be the Marmite performance of the day.

We restart at 1.55 prompt when its all to play for.

4BR Prediction:

1. Brighouse & Rastrick
2. Cory
3. Foden's
4. Whitburn
5. Reg Vardy

Sunday 18, 12:32:55

5. Whitburn (Leigh Baker)

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Scottish smiles ahead of Whitburn's challenge

From Darkness to Light:

7.1 (Dwayne Bloomfield)
All is Hell That Ends Well (Thomas Bergersen)
First Light (Ben Hollings)
Soloist: Chris Bradley (cornet)
This Little Light of Mine (Harry Dixon Loes arr. Leigh Baker)
The Royal Hunt of the Sun (Martin Ellerby)
Aurora Borealis (Ben Hollings)

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We were told Whitburn's 'Darkness to Light' could be one to get tongues wagging, and it certainly made a mark on the chattering classes as they head for the mid point break of the contest.

The band mirrored the intent with their black shirts — which were as crepuscular as the opening in a hall of inky blackness.

Powerful stuff this with images to match. A little harrowing maybe, but it crackled and glowed with fiery intent.

More darkness and blackened, sooty moods, before the first hint of light and a lovely touch of quality cornet playing from Chris Bradley (above) He is such a fine performer.

Now the rays are focussed full beam — with a riotous 'Royal Hunt of the Sun', which although dated, sparkles with intensity and drive.

Graham Fraser takes the spotlight on Sousaphone with on hand for the old Harry Dixon number. It's given a splendid wash of colour and free flowing funky wit. Nicely done that — just the right side of belly laugh tickles with its cleverness.

Bold, descriptive playing to close — forceful in places, but delivered with endeavour and energy. It's just got a little scrappy in places, but what a glorious close.


They promised something different and they gave it. Just the right side of left field for the audience here — understandable, creative and engaging just before lunch.

Sunday 18, 11:42:17

4. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)

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A trio of North East musical intent


Moments in Time/Tourbillon (Tom Davoren)
Lost in Times (Tom Davoren)
Soloist: Fiona Casewell (baritone)
1918, A Time to Remember (Jessica Curry arr. Alan Catherall)
The Longest Time (Billy Joel arr. Tom Davoren)
Back to the Future (Alan Silvestri arr. Alan Catherall)

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Reg Vardy play with the dimension of musical time for their enjoyable set — one that had a touch of inventiveness that never lost the connection to the audience.

The Davoren opener was written with purpose and played with horological precision, and led into a super bit of baritone playing from Fiona Casewell (above) — lost in melancholic thought.

The ensemble played its part here — always near but never engulfing with subtle phrasing and glowing warmth that replicated the fine soloist.

The First World War tribute opens with 'The Last Post' echoing from high. Touching without overplaying the sentiment. The stillness at its close reflected collective thoughts of loss.

Russell Gray's impish humour comes to the fore with the Billy Joel classic — neatly done with just the right amount of slapstick, before we end with something that you could just see a slightly faded date stamp on.

It's a pity that it just doesn't quite come off as the playing is bold and exciting, bristling with energy. It's just that we have seen and heard this stuff many times before.


Lots to enjoy here — even if the theme just ran out of engaging invention to close. Super solo leads (esp baritone) and the MD kept things on a tight leash.

Sunday 18, 10:49:29

3. Cory (Philip Harper)

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White teeth and tails...

Romeo and Juliet:

O Verona (Craig Armstrong arr. Philip Harper)
Caribe (Michael Camillo arr. Philip Harper)
Love Theme (Tchaikovsky arr. Philip Harper)
Soloists: Glyn & Helen Williams (euphonium & flugel)
Clans Collide (Philip Harper)
Lament (Philip Harper)
Liebestod (Wagner arr. Philip Harper)
Somewhere (Berstein arr. Philip Harper)

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The Cory recipe for success at this event over the last few years has been to combine a strong, clearly defined narrative line to exceptional ensemble and solo playing.

And we had it here once again with their 'Romeo & Juliet' set — and in spades.

Philip Harper's knack of mixing styles and genres is heard on the opening two numbers — one stentorian and serious the other suave and slick.

You may have had to suspend a bit of literary reality for the duet given the ages of the original Shakespearian star crossed lovers, but Glyn and Helen Williams pull it off with a touch of wit allied to some sublime playing.

The tribal instincts of murderous family mayhem are led by Steve Stewart and Chris Thomas — and the playing has such a visceral sense of danger and daring. An honourable draw as Frank Renton says — but it had a winner's mentality to it in approach and execution.

The tenderness of Tom Hutchinson's playing was a joy to behold (above) — as was the accompaniment, whilst the Wagner to close had such imposing presence.

The homage to Bernstein (apt given his anniversary) sees 'Somewhere' making the last link in an immensely impressive chain of thrilling musicality.


A different theme but very much the same structures we have come to expect and thoroughly enjoy from Cory.

So well planned out and structured, played with so much authority and command, and all so easily understood.

Sunday 18, 10:08:52

2. Brighouse & Rastrick (Dr David Thornton)

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Our Hidden Language (Suite for brass band, soloists and percussion) — Jacob Vilhelm Larsen

I. Introduction
II. Cassini's Last Dance
III. Ballerina
Soloist: Kyle Lawson (cornet)
IV. Norwegian Dance: Fanitullen
Soloist: Chris Robertson (euphonium)
V. Washboard Watkins
Soloist: Ryan Watkins (trombone)
VI. Berceuse
Vii. Fire dance and finale

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Brighouse showed their musical intent with a newly commissioned seven movement programme based around different elements of the dance medium — played in one continuous arch.

It certainly gets you thinking this — especially with the added level of slick choreography and an opening that draws you in rather than hitting you immediately between the eyes.

The tempo and style lift as we move along — led by the energetic MD and a throbbing undercurrent pulse.

More contrast with the solo — played with elegance and refinement by Kyle Lawson (above). There was a casual polish to this that was so persuasive and classy.

Another segue as the music moved to Norway with a fast and furious Norwegian Dance featuring Chris Robertson on euph playing with Nordic panache.

Washboard Watkins is witty and light hearted — but still delivers with serous musical intent. The humour works — not pie on face stuff, but a tasty custard cream topped by a bomping sousaphone.

The finale is super playing — bold and passionate, with great ensemble precision and glorious band sounds. The dynamics rise in tandem all driven along by the MD.

That had a hallmark of high quality brass band playing — a bit different but not too far from the norm.


A much more contemporary approach from Brighouse that asked questions but never lost the interest of the listeners.

Much to admire here in the approach and thematic development of the set overall. Seriously good brass band playing with a hint of the unexpected.

Sunday 18, 09:20:57

1. Foden's (Michael Fowles)

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A Last minute something for Foden's Andy Rolfe before he takes to the stage...

Kings & Queens:

The Crowning (Jonathan Bates)
Eternal Source of Light Divine (Jonathan Bates)
Soloist: Gary Curtin (euphonium)
King of Swing (John Barber)
Seaside Rendezvous (Freddie Mercury arr. Iain McKnight)
Send in the Clowns (Stephen Sondheim arr. John Barber)
Thy Tribute Bring (John Barber)

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The National Champion was bubbling with confidence from the word go here with a choreographed opening that made full use of the hall.

Strong musical statements with a historical twist — a modern day royal family that — all Elizabethan pomp and a little Kate and Meghan bling.

Gary Curtain (above) is also on regal form with his solo — a mix of the sublime and ridiculous in terms of lyricism and then the acrobatics. And all from memory too. Audience loved it — and showed their appreciation in full.

The King of Swing has such a confident swagger. The musical association with Matt Ford has certainly paid dividends here. It was so suave and polished.

The segue to Freddie Mercury and his postcard cheekiness is so well done also — played with wit and waspishness. That was like having a lemon sorbet ice cream on Blackpool beach on a red hot day under the sun.

Not a dry eye in the house as 'Send in the Clowns', with the one and only Dicky Evans, is a gem of nostalgia. The man can warble it too — oh my giddy aunt. The Frank Sinatra of the brass band world. Brill!

The finale takes us complete circle in terms of style — resounding and triumphant with huge band sounds full of warmth and character. What a great close.


Foden's have produced an outstanding set here — varied and diverse, topped by a superb soloist and a touch of nostalgia that warmed the cockles of the heart. So confident, so polished and delivered in a manner worthy of a National Champion.

Sunday 18, 09:19:44

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The adjudication team are ready for the off!

Hall filling up

Get ready for the off

The hall is filling up as people grab their programmes.

Frank Renton is about to do the preliminaries and the introductions.

Then Foden's will start at 9.30am

Sunday 18, 07:40:30

Images from Saturday at Sage Gateshead...

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Wardle honour the sacrifice of those who gave their lives

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Elland in top entertainment mode

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Happy smiles from the Rochdale players

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Youth Brass 2000 fill the stage

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Dance moves from Houghton Youth

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The massed ranks of the concourse band

Sunday 18, 07:11:26



2018 Brass in Concert from Sage Gateshead
Sunday 18th November


Nick Grace & Rieks van der Velde (Music-Quality of Performance)
Chris King (Programme Content)
Jeremy Wise & Terry Carter(Entertainment & Presentation)
Owen Farr (Soloist and Individual Awards)

1. Foden's (Michael Fowles)
2. Brighouse & Rastrick (Dr David Thornton)
3. Cory (Phillip Harper)
4. Reg Vardy (Russell Gray)
5. Whitburn (Leigh Baker)
6. Fountain City (Dr Joseph Parisi)
7. Manger Musikklag (Martin Philip Winter)
8. Flowers (Lee Skipsey)
9. Hammonds Saltaire (Morgan Griffiths)
10. Carlton Main Frickley Colliery (Paul Holland)
11. Atlantic Brass Band (Salvatore Scarpa)

Sunday 18, 07:10:42

Who will be Brass in Concert Champion?

A cracking draw

The action at Sage Gateshead kicks off at 9.20am with Frank Renton doing the introductions before Foden's take to the stage following the withdrawal of Virtuosi GUS.

They are then followed by Brighouse & Rastrick and Cory: Now there's a trio worth the early start on any Sunday morning.

We are off for some breakfast before heading to the hall for the start of what promises to be a great day of action.

If yesterday is anything to go by there are sure to be a few surprises in store — and not just from the bands either...

Sunday 18, 07:10:12

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Matt Ford had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand

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Fodens in top notch entertainment mode

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Manger was in relaxed mood for the afternoon concert

Gala concert triumph

National Champions diversify to entertain

There was a wonderfully relaxed masterclass from Mike Lovatt and Manger Musikklag yesterday with the late afternoon concourse concert.

Then came Foden's, with Matt Ford and Mike Lovatt in the Gala Concert to give us a night remember.

The trio, superbly led by Michael Fowles produced one of the finest pre-contest concerts In recent memory — and maybe even the finest of all.

It could well have left some traditionalists a touch uneasy, but it also opened the door to an exciting new era too.

Foden's dispensed with any banding stereotype programme to deliver a 'Swing and Sinatra Legends' set that showed that they can deliver music that is fresh and engaging to a brass band audience.

Having teamed up with singer Matt Ford and trumpet virtuoso Mike Lovatt, they have been able to tailor their entertainment in a completely different way.

Once on stage, Matt and Mike had the audience eating out of the palms of their hands. It had professional class stamped all the way through. Everyone thrived on their excellence and energy.

The National Champion is clearly still on cloud nine after London and last night showed it. The audience attendance was a touch disappointing perhaps, but those who were not here missed an absolute treat.

Sunday 18, 07:09:40

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Adjudicators: Richard Evans and Helen Harrelson

1. Wardle Academy Youth (Lee Rigg) — 198
2. Elland Silver Youth (Samantha Harrison) — 197
3. Rochdale Borough Youth (Ben Dixon) -190
4. Youth Brass 2000 (Chris Jeans) — 185
5. Houghton Area Youth (Brian Adams) — 180

Best Soloist: Adam Halford-Ward (soprano) — Elland Silver Youth
Most Entertaining Band: Elland Silver Youth

Sunday 18, 06:28:50

Morning from Gateshead

Youth Contest Delights Saturday crowd

Good morning from Gateshead where the sun hasn't even risen yet over the River Tyne.

The first day of the festival weekend was an absolute cracker.

The inaugural Youth contest featuring five bands was truly superb. Each embraced the contest ethos with heart and desire to impress judges Richard Evans and Helen Harrelsen with their musicality and talent in spades.

Wardle Youth's 1914-18 First World War tribute programme along with runner-up Elland Silver's choreographed set on similar lines both demonstrated maturity way beyond the tender age of their players.

Whatever the future holds for this contest, it certainly laid some firm foundations here yesterday.

Sunday 18, 01:17:46

Sunday action

Malcolm wood will be in Gateshead bringing you the latest from the 2018 Brass in Concert championships...

Sunday 18, 00:43:29

Result: 2018 Brass in Concert Youth Championship

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Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Academy of Music Symphonic Brass Ensemble

Thursday 24 October • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London W1C2DJ

Epping Forest Band - The Dunmow Rock choir

Saturday 26 October • Foaks Hall. Great Dunmow. Essex CM6 1 DG

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Sunday 3 November • St Alfege Church . Greenwich Church St. London SE10 8NA

Regent Hall Concerts - Royal Greenwich Brass Band

Friday 8 November • Regent Hall. (The Salvation Army). 275 Oxford Street. London. . W1C2DJ

Longridge Band - The Houghton Weavers

Saturday 9 November • Longridge Civic Hall, 1 Calder Avenue, Longridge, Preston PR3 3HJ

West Wycombe Brass Band

October 20 • West Wycombe Brass Band are seeking a Conductor/ MD. The position could be full or part-time. Experience of Brass Bands preferred. None contesting, sensible engagement list. Rehearsals Wednesday 7.45-9.45pm. . Contact Secretary for more details.

Bilton Silver Rugby Band

October 18 • Bilton Silver (Rugby) requires a cornet player to join our Championship Section band (Position negotiable) Under MD Brad Turnbull we have a varied programme of events. Rehearsals are held on Monday and Friday at 7-45pm in our own purpose built bandroom.

Epping Forest Band

October 18 • We are a friendly 2nd section band in Essex. Our various concert programs include performances here and abroad . We are in need of a Tenor Horn (position negotiable) and a Kit player. We have our own band room and full percussion is provided

Dave Collins

BA (Hons) (Dunelm) I, FSCO
Composer and Arranger


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