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The Lower Section National Finals 2002

Adjudicators Comments
Second Section Prize Winners

First Place: Hade Edge

1. A rather uneasy opening - euph secure. B - tuning cornets? The playing has a nice flow. C- can hear all the parts. Semis nicely measured. D - good level for forte. Divisi cornets parts not together. E - semis precise. Final link bars are nicely controlled.

2. A clean opening - small cornet clip. A - fine sound. B - good tutti - all goes well. Attention to detail. Ensemble playing is controlled. F - secure. A confident ending.

3. A good opening. A - nice flug/horn sound. B - you capture the mood of this music. D - a compact tutti style. E - nice cornet link. Neat semis. F - flug/horns nice p and lyrical style. G - euph has shape and a fine sound. I - this is nicely placed to end.

4. A bright opening - semis link nicely. A - neat cornet style - good xylo. B - all goes well. C - well done cornet. D - sop safe - quavers move nicely. You capture the mood of the music. F - fine playing. G - effective. H - build is nicely shaped. I - sop could be warmer in the sound. J - neat quavers. Semis work well. K - neat cornet. L - good tempo - you can cope. The ending was excellent. This was a well played final movement. Good percussion - fine band sounds. Fine dynamics. I enjoyed this - well done!! All the movements well prepared.

Dennis Wilby

1. Rhythmic feel evident immediately - flugel holds on well and similar touches from euph. You build well to tutti mf/f/ff sounds and work from tuned percussion is appreciated. E - cornets project a little too much but joins well. Nice dim to close.

2. Not all assured to begin but horns to the rescue. Good dynamic effects - D - Melodies come through well. F - cornet a little unhappy again but good accel - a tempo rall - controlled finale.

3. Confident sounds to begin - soloists project well - nice touches from flugel/cornet - mf at D - maybe over the top but nice texture and balance - lovely pp before G. Nice build to I in terms of dynamics (intonation?) - lovely push to piu forte.

4. Brisk. It settles a little to allow space for cornet and super xylophone! B - not quite in tune. C - Well done. Detailed playing. H - Good pushes. Cantabile section could be warmer (use of vibrato). Very good ending.

Melvin White
184 points

Second Place: Brackley and District

1. Rhythm does not settle in opening bars. Ensemble not together. B - be careful to play 6/8. C - semis neat - cornet/euph fine. F is a shade heavy. D - it feels a shade heavy for the nature of the music. E - secure. Ends well

2. A nice opening. The playing has sparkle. Percussion rather heavy - but all the parts going in. The ensemble is tight. Glock fine. 4/8 tuning on final A - flugel

3. The tempo feels under. The music must flow. Flugel/cornet nice, but the music must always move forward. Flug a shade flat. Bass link must move on. D - nice sop. This is controlled playing but the tempo must move on. E - can hear all the sounds. F - more warmth please flug. G - euph comes over nicely - percussion detail is fine, but this slow tempo gives some concern. I - good tutti. Nicely shaped ending.

4. A bright tempo - can you cope? A - fine cornet - good support. C - cornet almost 100% - well done. D - well done sop. E - the music moves nicely. F - careful to hold ensemble. G - fine percussion. H - link is nicely done. I - good sound - level for mf. J - percussion - ensemble. K - a pity just a small clip cornet p percussion does well. L - The ending was well executed. A good band percussion. Excellent percussion. Might that very slow movement cost you? Well done!

Dennis Wilby

1. Gentle lilt not quite achieved, just allow time/space for the music to emerge. Lots of good playing. Ensemble is not always tight - just the lack of 2 in a bar feel. The music certainly moves forward - nice effects from tuned percussion.

2. Bounces well - nice accents - one or two slips but so much vitality and dynamic detail. I enjoy glock work again. A vigorous approach that real life and sparkle.

3. Nice touches from soloists (esp cornet) Poco rall noted. A little static for my liking but nice warm sounds at D. (thanks sop) Lovely texture before F. Lots of control but tempo at quaver = 80. Nice tuned percussion work again. Nice ending.

4. Lively - lots of detail - well toned cornet. D - hesitant. F - Rocks slightly. I/J nice feel/balance. K - so near. Good finish

Melvin White
182 points

Third Place: Shirley

1. Rhythm to open - flug nice - euph fine sound. B- good controlled sound. The music has a nicely controlled flow. C - a shade heavy for mp - but all goes well. Semis nicely measured. D - only a light f please. E - Semis measured. 9/8 some lost entries. Final chord is well executed.

2. Neat rhythm to open. B- ensemble tight. Troms come over in style. D - effective. E - good euph - neat rhythms. F - stylish - 4/8 controlled - good ending.

3. Eb bass not measured - flug nice sound - music flows - controlled. B - effective. C - Some lack of detail. D - nice sop - this has a lovely flow. E - this is impressive. Bass line moves with style. F - still lovely flug - well done - everything is so nicely placed. G - euph stylish. H - nice. I - tutti has a lovely flow. The ending - nearly on final chord.

4. Exciting opening - technically assured. A - neat cornet. Xylo fine to assist. C - not just neat - but this is fine playing. D - sop rather flat - a pity. E - careful with tuning - the rhythm not just tight. G - ensemble? J - careful to hold rhythm - sop still a touch flat. Cornet semis measured. L - tempo fine - you cope nicely. M - some lack of detail. The ending was well executed. A nice performance. Lovely flugel playing - good soloists. Thank You

Dennis Wilby

1. Nice flugel - accomp not quite together. Euph has style. Try to spot the subtleties of dynamic mf > mp. Texture could be lighter at C. Nice round sounds at forte though smoother please basses. E - nearly fits - well tried - sfz not convincing.

2. A degree of bounce. B - a little forceful but dynamics noted. I just feel melodies are forced through - be careful to balance melody/accomp. Certainly boisterous!

3. Nice mood created - little problems of intonation to begin. Well tried Eb bass. Some nice touches from soprano. Balance just works before F - some indecision in accomp F (before G is pp sub!). Nice poco meno mosso and last chord not in tune.

4. Brisk. Well done - much detail - soloists good (esp cornet). D - tuning worries here. E - Ensemble a problem - direction lost briefly. I - not totally successful (intonation, tempo, style) N - better. Appreciate the tempo changes. Well tried today.

Melvin White
180 points.

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